On the Road Again

Alright, a nice start to my week. After traveling to Birmingham with my sales rep Monday morning, I headed out for a nice recovery run and felt quite good considering how tired I was and the extent of my Sunday long run.

However, the fatigue from the quick trip (had to awake at 4AM) caught up with me Tuesday, as I slept in until 10AM! I usually naturally awake at about 7AM, and since I had a Dr.'s appointment with Robin Rogers at 11AM, I postponed my hill workout until Wednesday morning, before I drive down to Jacksonville for an expo.

My post-massage run went quite well, as I tried to beat the thunderstorms, and ran fantastically fluid and efficient. Hill workout went great. Woke up to extremely sore and dead-legged for some reason, with quite a bit of ankle pain as I had some uncomfortable sleep due to my shin strains, but otherwise, I was ready to roll.

Awoke to cold and rainy weather, and so I wore my HVAC long sleeve, my absolutely favorite piece of apparel, and headed out in my T4's and launched into my workout, working tremendously hard up the 12% grade each and every time. I was a bit disappointed with number five, but heck, what an improvement in a single week of power development. So, I'll take the workout and hopefully I can survive the end of the week in Jacksonville and still get as much running in as possible.

Back from Jacksonville after a long weekend, but I did manage to get in all my running on some secret sandy trails. Recovery for both days, but the sand running produced some nice power development. After my long drive home, got dressed and headed out for a nice medium-effort run on some hills through Gilbert St. and The Reserve in preparation for tomorrow's long run.

Anyhow, onto the serious running: today's long run. Goal was 1h50'-2 hours of total running in the Mountain and finishing up on my Gilbert St. 10K loop, which is on the roads... basically an extension of last week's long run. First positive was that I awoke to 20-degree temperature and by the time I hit the road, it was in the 30's. Cruised out at a good clip, feeling a bit faster than last week, but I believe I hit the turnaround at the same time. After the turnaround I did notice I picked up the effort and hit the water fountain about a minute quicker than last week. Hit the trails home and popped out onto Silesboro at 1:26, ready to attack my now 9K course of hills. Finally got into a good rhythm and starting running very, very well up and down hills, with no fatigue in my quads (I think I will run well at Boston next year) and was able to somewhat attack the course. Final 1200M+ climb home was quite tough, but this is what the long run is all about: getting accustomed to dealing with fatigue and discomfort. Once again, quite wasted at the finish, but what a good feeling of waste.

Mission accomplished for a second week, but I need to start increasing my mileage as I am still nowhere near race shape. I feel a good 5 lbs. over-weight, so this week my focus will be on diet and core exercises as I prep for my first race back from injury and off of all this base with Fidler.

Monday, 4-02-2007
5 Miles Recovery through Greymont in 32:56

Tuesday, 4-03-2007
10K Recovery on Gilbert St. in 39:47

Wednesday, 4-04-2007
8 Miles of Hill Work Up Kennesaw Mountain in 50:52
5 x @ 800M Up 12% Grade
9:34, 2:40 (3:45), 2:38 (3:47), 2:39 (3:59), 2:38 (4:05), 2:41, 12:18

Thursday, 4-05-2007
7 Miles Recovery in Jacksonville Trails in 49:46

Friday, 4-06-2007
6 Miles Recovery in Jacksonville Trails in 40:48

Saturday, 4-07-2007
5 Miles Recovery on Direct Gilbert St. in 34:48

Sunday, 4-08-2007
19 Miles Steady in Kennesaw Mtn. and Gilbert St. 10K in 1:58:40

56 Miles

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