Talk about a Layoff

Whew. What's it been, two weeks? Where do I begin? Well, seems like I developed a pretty bad shin splint in my right shin that was weakened by my deer-like approach to training in my new mountainous environment and not working-in enough flat-land training. The stress of the constant up and especially downhills, coupled with my 3-hour drive to Alabama of not using my "cruise-control" stick, caused the injury. This injury stopped me cold.

In the meantime, I have been getting treatment from 2:25 Marathoner Robin Rogers of SMIT-Atlanta. Robin has been great. I think the final piece to this puzzle will be ultrasound on the shin itself. However, I did a 2M fartlek this morning on the treadmill with no pain, which was a relief.

Other sidenotes: I am in the process of hiring a professional coach. I have researched this individual since I moved into Atlanta and I think we will be a good fit. I am old-school in the regard that I want someone who has "been there, done that" and experienced all I am about to experience in order to reach my goals and ambitions. I figured I cannot afford to spend so much time contemplating and scheduling and planning my Master Running Plan. It needs to be one less stress in my life as I enter the Corporate world with an understanding wife and two lovely children. My current mentor is busy with world domination, so hiring someone that is accountable, financially, should be a boon to my running.

The above picture is of the man responsible for my current and future training schedules, Mr. Lee Fidler, multiple Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier and holder of a personal best of 2:15:04 in the Marathon with modest 5K-10K PR's (right down my alley). Anyhow, today, Sunday, I ventured out onto the trails today to test my shin and passed the test, although my leg hurt during the day. I think I am on the road to recovery. I will still be mixing treadmill with roads for the next couple of weeks until I am 100% certain that I am healthy. We shall see...

Monday, 3-12-2007
2 Miles of Fartlek (8 x 1' Easy, 1' Fast) on Treadmill in 16:00

Tuesday, 3-13-2007
4 Miles Steady on Treadmill in 30:00

Wednesday, 3-14-2007
2 Miles Easy on Treadmill in 15:00

Thursday, 3-15-2007
5 Miles Steady on Treadmill in 35:00

Friday, 3-16-2007
2 Miles Easy on Treadmill in 15:00

Saturday, 3-17-2007
4 Miles Hard on Treadmill in 30:00

Sunday, 3-18-2007
9 Miles Steady over Pigeon Hill in 59:38

28 Miles

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