Solid Start

Well, I have had a solid start to the week, including an amazingly difficult hill/mountain workout on Tuesday that consisted of 4 x @ 800M up a 12% grade. I was completely wasted after the first one, but was strong enough to run well throughout. Not sure if I am going to gain 10-lbs. in my legs from all this uphill running, but it was sweet. I have also had some good recovery runs on some very nice neighborhood courses and this morning ran a fabulous out-and-back 8M'er on a tremendously challenging trail in the Mountain.

For the first time in my life, I am loving my surroundings and am considering settling here. It is absolutely gorgeous. I can actually use all my five senses when I run. I have smelled flowers, trees, dirt, nature scents that I forgot existed. I never considered myself a city-boy until now.. now I realize I have only lived in major cities! Boston, Miami, Houston. All major metropolises. I now live amongst the comfort of nature, the comfort of this Mountain, always looming overhead. The simple changes in topography give me life each day. But enough... I have enough stress coordinating this move of my family from Houston to here soon enough.

After travelling to SW Georgia to visit some accounts and into Montgomery, AL, I felt some re-aggravation in my right shin, so I can simply nail this issue down to my long-distance driving. Thankfully, I should be receiving my company car this up-coming week, which should take care of this issue with modern-day cruise control. Anyway, I put on my flats on Saturday morning and hammered out a solid 5.21 Mile run on the roads and hills of Kennesaw, averaging 5:36 pace for the evenly run strength-builder. I felt great upon finishing and skipped out to watch the very motivating, 300, the movie.

This morning, I got out for my long run (loving my coach for making me run so long) and finally remembered what a true long run is: a very long run that takes a lot of time and effort. Man, 1h45' in Houston was monotnous and time-consuming, but just 45' on this mountain is energy draining, thus today's 1h45' jaunt was one of pure endurance. The last 30' were absolutely great, as I was so fatigued I entered into a zone and was running quite comfortably. Added on the challenging Reserve route to make sure I was over the 1h40-1h45' recommendation from my coach and finished up quite wasted from the effort, but knowing that this is what it is going to take to succeed over the marathon distance. A great cap to the week, leaving me hungry for more.

Monday, 3-26-2007
4 Miles Recovery through The Reserve in 28:41

Tuesday, 3-27-2007
7 Miles of 12% Grade Hill Workout on Kennesaw Mountain in 45:00
9:25, 2:43 (3:36), 2:42 (3:47), 2:45 (3:52), 2:43, 13:23

Wednesday, 3-28-2007
AM: 10K Recovery through Gilbert St. in 40:25
PM: 6M Jog with Howe in Marietta in 42:05

Thursday, 3-29-2007
8 Miles Steady to Pigeon Hill in 51:23
26:18 / 25:05

Friday, 3-30-2007
5 Miles Recovery around Montgomery, AL, in 36:24

Saturday, 3-31-2007
5 Miles Hard through Greymont in 28:32
14:20 / 14:11

Sunday, 4-01-2007
17 Miles Steady through Kennesaw Mtn. and The Reserve in 1:48:17

58 Miles

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