
Showing posts from 2018


Mo, 12/3/2018 3 miles easy at Nixon Park with 518ft of gain in 31:12 Tu, 12/4/2018 4 miles easy at Patapsco with 623ft of gain in 39:11 We, 12/5/2018 5 miles easy at Nixon Park and Lake Williams with 738ft of gain in 44:41 Th, 12/6/2018 30' easy Fr, 12/7/2018 30' easy Sa, 12/8/2018 1hr-h30' easy Su, 12/9/2018 Rest


Mo, 10/29/2018 Rest Tu, 10/30/2018 11 miles down and around Lake Williams with 1,040ft of gain in 1:20:45 We, 10/31/2018 7 miles down to Nixon Park with 410ft of gain in 53:40 Th, 11/1/2018 Fr, 11/2/2018 Sa, 11/3/2018 Su, 11/4/2018 Total


Mo, 10/22/2018 Rest Tu, 10/23/2018 4.5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 35:47 We, 10/24/2018 6 miles easy down to Nixon Park in 47:00 Th, 10/25/2018 3 mile warm-up, 3 x 700m "D Loop" in 2:20, 2:13, 2:14 (rec. 2') + 1.5M Reynolds Mills in 7:49 Fr, 10/26/2018 12km strong around Lake Williams with 768ft of gain in 1:01:28 Sa, 10/27/2018 Rest Su, 10/28/2018 9 miles at Piney Mountain Rd. with 535ft of gain in 59:28 Total 32 Miles with 2,041ft of Elevation Gain in 4h10'


Mo, 10/15/2018 6 miles down to Nixon Park with 446ft of gain in 45:26 Tu, 10/16/2018 2 mi warm-up, 2 x 5:00 Fast, rec. 3:00, Abort We, 10/17/2018 4 miles around the trails at Nixon Park in 36:08 Th, 10/18/2018 5 miles around the lake in 42:11 Fr, 10/19/2018 7 mile fartlek around Lake Williams with 5 x 5:00 fast, rec. 3:00 in 54:15 Sa, 10/20/2018 6 miles easy on the backside of Lake Redman with 1,017ft of gain in 56:47 Su, 10/21/2018 12 miles at Duncannon and the AT down Hawks' Rock with 2,530ft of gain in 2:11:47 Total 45 Miles with 6,073ft of Elevation Gain in 6h40'


Mo, 10/8/2018 4 miles recovery on the HCGT in 32:41 Tu, 10/9/2018 4 miles of variation around Lake Redman with 354ft in 33:33 We, 10/10/2018 6 miles with 3 x 2000m in 7:08, 6:43, 7:11 + 1000m in 3:20, rec. 3:00 at York Tech Th, 10/11/2018 Rest Fr, 10/12/2018 4 miles easy up the HCGT in 30:59 Sa, 10/13/2018 Run for the Bullies 5K Trail in 18:15 Su, 10/14/2018 5 mile recovery on the Lake in 44:35 Total 28 Miles with 1,578ft of Elevation Gain in 3h37'


Mo, 10/1/2018 5 mile around Lake Williams with 554ft. of elevation gain in 39:36 Tu, 10/2/2018 Rest We, 10/3/2018 Rest Th, 10/4/2018 2 mi, 6:00-5:00-4:00-3:00 fast, rec. 3:00 at York Tech XC in 50:46 (6 mi) Fr, 10/5/2018 6 miles steady down to Nixon Park with 389ft of gain in 47:48 Sa, 10/6/2018 6 miles up the Appalachian Trail with 879ft of gain in 51:48 Su, 10/7/2018 7 miles steady on the Darlington Trail with 653ft of gain in 56:17 Total 30 Miles with 2,618ft of Elevation Gain in 4h06'


Mo, 9/24/2018 Physical Therapy Tu, 9/25/2018 6 miles steady around the Inner Harbor in 44:14 We, 9/26/2018 Rest Th, 9/27/2018 4 mile shake-out on the HCGT in 30:09 Fr, 9/28/2018 5 miles steady out to Parking Lot and back in 38:06 Sa, 9/29/2018 Warm-up, 5:00-4:00-3:00 fast in 5:28/mi, 5:19/mi, 5:19/mi with 3:00 rest at York Tech (4M) * Solid work. Muddy, but I was working really well. Would hit a malaise after 90" or so in the deep grass, but then I could really re-engage and roll the last minute or so of each rep. Felt really strong. TFL only issue. Calf held up. Su, 9/30/2018 4 miles easy on the HCGT in 31:09 * Not happy. My left TFL almost strained. Just can't catch a break. Total 25 Miles with 899 ft. of Elevation Gain in 2h58'


Mo, 9/17/2018 4 mile recovery down the HCGT in 31:03 * 193ft of gain... well, all my adductor work is paying off as I had no pain throughout, just low energy from a long day yesterday. Working to decide between USATF Trail Marathon Championships in Moab or just an XC season ending in Spokane. Tu, 9/18/2018 4 miles steady on the HCGT in 31:08 * 194ft of gain... repeat of yesterday and actually felt the same as yesterday but got more confidence in my groin. No issues. Felt awkward out there, probably from the long commute yesterday and last night's nervous system crash, but I opened up the final half mile or so and felt good.  We, 9/19/2018 Warm-up, 5 x 1:30 (rec. 1:30), rec. 5:00 + 5 x 1:00 (rec. 1:30) at York Tech (4 mi) * Obviously super tentative, nervous, anxious.. but it all worked out well. Ran 5:15 to 5:01/mi pace for the reps on the nice dirt path and grass, getting faster as the workout progressed. Great work Th, 9/20/2018 5 miles around Lake Williams with 558ft. ...


Mo, 9/3/2018 4 miles trashed in 35:00 Tu, 9/4/2018 6 miles around Lake Williams with 620ft of gain, walking the downhills in 54:34 We, 9/5/2018 4 miles easy in 31:14 Th, 9/6/2018 Warm-up, Aborted Workout 2 x 3:00 fast, rec. 3:00 Fr, 9/7/2018 Rest Sa, 9/8/2018 6 miles around the farms with 669ft. of gain in 44:13 Su, 9/9/2018 Rest Total 22 Miles with 1,732ft. of Elevation in 3h07' Mo, 9/10/2018 3 miles blah in 18:16 Tu, 9/11/2018 Rest We, 9/12/2018 3 miles steady in 23:26 Th, 9/13/2018 4 miles on the Rail Trail in 26:53 Fr, 9/14/2018 1 mile jog with Champ in 7:55 Sa, 9/15/2018 4 miles up on the HCGT in 30:44 Su, 9/16/2018 4 miles down on the HCGT in 29:57 Total 18 Miles with 837ft. of Elevation Gain in 2h17'


Mo, 8/27/2018 4 mile recovery on the HCGT in 32:04 * Touch and go... right adductor was tight and then in the final few meters my left hip flared up. Not happy, but hopefully calms down with some icing and treatment tomorrow. Tu, 8/28/2018 4 mile on the HCGT in 30:17 We, 8/29/2018 5 miles with 6'-4'-1'-4'-4' fast, rec. 3'-1'-3'-3' at York Tech XC in 41:47 * avg. 5:54/mi, 5:27/mi, 5:15/mi, 5:50/mi, 5:33/mi... pretty solid. Great workload. Humid conditions. Feeling pretty healthy but my right hamstring had weakness and prevented me from running the final 2 x 2:30 fast. Otherwise, I can tell my mechanics are improving and I am getting stronger and more coordinated.  Th, 8/30/2018 4 miles easy at Nixon Park in 35:38 Fr, 8/31/2018 4 miles moderate at Lake Williams in 31:31 Sa, 9/1/2018 Mental Hospital 3.7M in 24:25 * Course Record (39:43 - 2017)... 1st Place Overall.. 600ft of Climb.. went looking for a porta potty and got pulled over. Had m...


Mo, 8/20/2018 5 miles out of shape on the HCGT in 40:44 Tu, 8/21/2018 5 miles around Lake Williams with 554ft of gain in 42:01 We, 8/22/2018 1 mi warm-up, 6'-5'-4'-3' fast, rec. 3' at York Tech XC in 42:06 (5M) * 5;47/mi, 5:46/mi, 5:46/mi, 5:43/mi... not a bad day. Was concerned about my left side, but held up tremendously well and it was more my right side that gave me some concern. Was going to run the full fartlek, but was pretty done by the 2', 1'... great day, 18' of fast running at sub-5:45/mi pace on a wet grass field. Will take it. Feeling healthy. Th, 8/23/2018 5 miles around Lake Williams with 564ft of gain in 43:14 * Perhaps a bad decision to run trails after a track day, but I haven't been having success running the slanted greenway after hard efforts. I always have failure in my legs. Anyhow, I felt pretty good, running pretty easily on the trails. Only tightened up after I stretched and then with a mile to go on my left oblique...


Mo, 8/13/2018 4 miles steady down the HCGT in 30:00 Tu, 8/14/2018 5 miles steady up/down HCGT with add on in 38:07 We, 8/15/2018 2 miles of trail in Nixon Park in 18:44 + 5 x :40 uphill on the 14%'er Th, 8/16/2018 4 miles fast up/down the HCGT in 28:20 Fr, 8/17/2018 3.5 mile adventure at Gunpowder Falls in 33:20 Sa, 8/18/2018 2 mi warm-up, 5 x 2:00 fast, rec. 2:00 at York Tech XC (4.5 miles) * 5:26/mi, 5:18/mi, 5:29/mi, 5:24/mi, 5:28/mi... reversed directions each time, was worried about my right glute/hip, but it held up well as I managed the effort yet ran hard. Super pleased with work. 82-degrees, 77% humidity. Great work. Su, 8/19/2018 4 mile regeneration on the Rail Trail in 34:05 Total 28 Miles with 1,778ft of Elevation Gain in 3h45'


Mo, 8/6/2018 2 miles easy in 15:57 Tu, 8/7/2018 4 mile up-tempo at the Rail Trail in 29:00 We, 8/8/2018 3 miles comfortable down the HCGT in 22:41 Th, 8/9/2018 2+ mile fartlek with 8 x 1:20 easy, :40 fast in 16:01 Fr, 8/10/2018 2 mile recovery at Nixon Park + Drills in 19:14 Sa, 8/11/2018 5 miles of variable pacing at Rudy Park in 35:22 * 6:16, 7:58, 6:40, 7:56, 6:41 Su, 8/12/2018 2 mile recovery at the Rail Trail in 17:04 Total 20 Miles with 948ft of Elevation Gain in 2h36'


Mo, 4/23/2018 Day of Rest Tu, 4/24/2018 6 miles recovery around Lake Williams with 860ft of gain in 51:24 We, 4/25/2018 7 miles of road with 2 x Hilltop + Grantley with 1,024ft of gain in 52:21 Th, 4/26/2018 7 miles trails around Lake Williams with 791ft of gain in 52:53 Fr, 4/27/2018 7 miles steady with 2 x Hilltop + Grantley with 1,083ft of gain in 54:22 Sa, 4/28/2018 5 miles recovery around Lake Williams with 486ft of gain in 40:36 Su, 4/29/2018 16 mile long run at Pine Grove Furnace with 2,392ft of gain in 2:22:06 Total 48 Miles with 6,634ft of Elevation Gain in 6h33'


Mo, 4/16/2018 4 mile recovery around the neighborhood in 30:53 Tu, 4/17/2018 5 mile regeneration out to the goat path on Lake Williams with 709ft of gain in 44:48 We, 4/18/2018 7 miles steady around Lake Williams with 807ft of gain in 56:08 Th, 4/19/2018 5 mile regeneration around Nixon Park with 510ft of gain in 42:55 Fr, 4/20/2018 8 miles steady around Lake Williams with 843ft of gain in 59:14 Sa, 4/21/2018 2 mile regeneration around the neighborhood in 12:43 Su, 4/22/2018 20km long run at Hawk's Rock with 1,768ft of gain in 1:40:55 Total 42 Miles with 4,934ft of Elevation Gain in 5h47'


Mo, 4/3/2018 Physical Therapy Tu, 4/4/2018 8 mile fartlek - 8/6/4/3/2/1' at Swann Park in 1:00:02 We, 4/5/2018 Rest Th, 4/6/2018 Rest Fr, 4/7/2018 Rest Sa, 4/8/2018 5 miles around Lake Williams with 554ft of gain in 38:54 Su, 4/9/2018 10 mile long run on trails with 1,132ft of gain in 1:18:41 Total 24 Miles with 1,886ft of Elevation Mo, 4/10/2018 Rest Tu, 4/11/2018 7 miles steady around Lake Williams with 804ft of gain in 53:12 We, 4/12/2018 Physical Therapy Th, 4/13/2018 7 miles steady around Lake Williams with 804ft of gain in 51:42 Fr, 4/14/2018 9 miles total with the first 6 miles with Perla and Kim in Marin with 617 and 4 miles with  Topher in 30:50 with 328ft of climbing... 1h20' on the day! Sa, 4/15/2018 11 miles around Lake Sonoma during the LS50 with 2,152ft of gain in 1:32:10 Su, 4/16/2018 Total 34 Miles // 4h36' with 4,705ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 3/26/2018 5 miles moderate of Brighton Cir. and 400ft of gain in 35:23 * avg. HR 152bpm... good run, still gaining fitness. Will take it. Tu, 3/27/2018 8 mile fartlek with 5 x 4:00 fast, rec. 3:00 easy with 400ft gain in 1:06:02 * avg. HR 148bpm.. started at Nixon Park, a bit too icy, never really got super aggressive but full volume. We, 3/28/2018 4 miles with food poisoning in 30:28 * avg. HR 151bpm... suffering from last night at The Black Olive... Th, 3/29/2018 7 miles with the last 4km uphill in 51:46 * avg. HR 158bpm... still zero energy from food poisoning, but stuck with the work. Effort based. Fr, 3/30/2018 3 miles of trails at Nixon Park with 446ft of gain in 25:53 Sa, 3/31/2018 8 mile progression with last 12km picking up with 1,007ft of gain in 1:00:29 Su, 4/1/2018 5 mile recovery around Nixon Park with 535ft of gain in 44:46 Total 40 Miles with 3,412ft of Elevation


Mo, 3/19/2018 2 miles crisp in 13:13 * avg. 153 HR Tu, 3/20/2018 4 miles steady out of Nixon Park in 27:34 * avg. 155 HR We, 3/21/2018 5km steady on the snow in 23:21 * avg. 152 HR Th, 3/22/2018 2 miles easy in 16:20 * avg. 146 HR Fr, 3/23/2018 2 miles steady in 14:40 * avg. 159 HR Sa, 3/24/2018 5 mile long run on trails at Gunpowder with 789ft of gain in 43:34 * avg. 157 HR Su, 3/25/2018 2 mile recovery in the neighborhood in 15:18 * avg. 148 HR Total 20 Miles // 2h34' with 1,552ft of Elevation Gain Alright, I'll take it.. started off the week rehabbing from my right calf strain and opted that I needed to create quicker reactions, so started quickly on my runs and built from there. Finally knocked out the calf by Thursday, setting me up for a nice effort on Saturday on snowy trails in Gunpowder. Was pleased with the post-run results - no major pains, etc. Now I need to focus on my left TFL and my right lat/rib cage. The plan is to accelerate to 40 mi we...


Mo, 3/5/2018 1 mi warm-up, 1:00-2:00-1:00-:30 (rec. 1:30) + 3 x 2:30 (rec. 2:00) in London, 1 mi cool-down Tu, 3/6/2018 We, 3/7/2018 Th, 3/8/2018 Fr, 3/9/2018 Sa, 3/10/2018 Su, 3/11/2018 Total


Mo, 2/26/2018 1.5 mi warm-up, 3 x 800m in 2:33, 2:32, 2:33 + 1500m in 5:10, 1.5 mi cool-down Tu, 2/27/2018 AM: 4 miles on muddy trails in 37:35 PM: Physical Therapy We, 2/28/2018 1.5 mi warm-up... abort track workout (pain) Th, 3/1/2018 1 mi test Fr, 3/2/2018 Recovery Sa, 3/3/2018 AM: 3 mile test in neighborhood in 20:44 PM: Depart for London Su, 3/4/2018 7 mile long run along London Canals to Victoria Park in 50:32 Total 25 Miles with 823ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 2/19/2018 1.5 mi warm-up in 13:00, 6 x 300m in 55, 55, 55, 54, 53 (jog 300m), 1.5 mi cool-down in 12:01 Tu, 2/20/2018 5 mi recovery in 34:01 We, 2/21/2018 1.5 mi warm-up in 10:39, 3 x 600m in 1:51.9, 1:50.5, 1:50.6 (jog 800m) + 5 x 200m in 34, 35, 34, 34, 35 (jog 200m) in spikes, 1.5 mi cool-down in 11:49 Th, 2/22/2018 5 miles easy around Seven Valleys in 35:41 Fr, 2/23/2018 1.5 mi warm-up in 10:38, 1500m Time Trial in 4:46.19 * 74, 2:31 (77), 3:48 (77), 58.16 Sa, 2/24/2018 8 mile steady long run in Pocahontas State Park trails with 558ft of gain in 51:36 Su, 2/25/2018 3 mile regeneration around Stryker Park in 20:31 Total 36 Miles with 1,312ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 2/12/2018 Injured Left Glute Tu, 2/13/2018 1 mile test We, 2/14/2018 Rest Th, 2/15/2018 1 mile test Fr, 2/16/2018 Physical Therapy Sa, 2/17/2018 1 mile uphill (8% grade) with 364ft of climb up AT&T Tower in 7:16 Su, 2/18/2018 5 mile light fartlek with 12 x :40 fast, rec. 1:20 easy in 38:12 Total 8 Miles with 623ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 2/5/2018 Recovery Tu, 2/6/2018 1.5 mile regeneration to Nixon Park in 11:41 We, 2/7/2018 5 miles on the treadmill at 7.5 mph, 1.5%-4.5% grade in 40:00 Th, 2/8/2018 2.5 mile warm-up, 3 x 800m / Uphill 200m Couples with 2:00/4:00 rest in 2:18/38, 2:17/39, 2:17/38 Fr, 2/9/2018 7 miles hills on Lake Rd. with 607ft of gain in 49:00 Sa, 2/10/2018 5km easy around the neighborhood in 25:13 Su, 2/11/2018 10 miles with four Hilltop Rd. summits with 1,411ft of gain in 1:14:48 Total 32 Miles with 2,487ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 1/29/2018 4 miles on the road with 384ft. of gain in 30:29 Tu, 1/30/2018 2 mile warm-up in 22:16, then attempted fartlek fail due to snow/ice We, 1/31/2018 12km steady around Lake Williams with 771ft. of gain in 58:56 Th, 2/1/2018 5 mile fartlek with 10 x 1:30 fast, rec. 1:00 and 564ft. of gain in 39:29 Fr, 2/2/2018 5 miles moderate down to Nixon Park in cold and wind in 40:37 Sa, 2/3/2018 5 miles easy around Lake Williams with 764ft of gain in 40:17 Su, 2/4/2018 1 mi warm-up, Super Bowl Trail 8M with 1,129ft of gain in 54:18, 1 mi cool-down Total 40 Miles with 4,259ft. of Elevation Gain


Mo, 1/22/2018 Rest Tu, 1/23/2018 2 mile warm-up in 16:48, 2 x (5 x 400m) in 74, 72, 73, 74, 75 / 76, 73, 76, 74, 73 (rec. 1:30 / 5:00) We, 1/24/2018 AM: 1.5 mile shake-out in 11:39 PM: Work in NYC Th, 1/25/2018 8 miles steady around Lake Williams with 819ft of gain in 59:21 Fr, 1/26/2018 3 mile shake-out and aborted fartlek in 23:54 Sa, 1/27/2018 7 miles steady around Lake Williams with 778ft of gain in 55:25 Su, 1/28/2018 8 mile attempted long run at the Appalachian Trail with 2,280ft of gain in 1:15:03 Total 34 Miles with 4,078ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 1/15/2018 Rest Tu, 1/16/2018 6 miles steady in the snow and ice with 646ft of gain in 46:19 We, 1/17/2018 5 mile aborted fartlek on the treadmill, one 6:00 effort Th, 1/18/2018 7 miles in the snow with 846ft of gain in 59:56 Fr, 1/19/2018 1.5 mi warm-up in 10:59, 5 x @800m "D" Loop in 2:29, 2:31, 2:26, 2:28, 2:26 + 4 x 30" fast (30") Sa, 1/20/2018 AM: 3 mile regeneration with 410ft of gain in 28:18 PM: 4 miles easy on the roads in 30:13 Su, 1/21/2018 11 mile variations on icy trails with 1,680ft of gain in 1:32:07 Total 42 Miles with 4.068ft. of Elevation Gain


Mo, 1/8/2018 Rest and Recovery Tu, 1/9/2018 6 mile progression out and back in Nixon Park with 860ft of gain in 54:40 We, 1/10/2018 6 miles easy at Swann Park early in the morning in 39:21 Th, 1/11/2018 3 miles easy, 10 x 200m Uphill at Reservoir Hill in 17:39 Fr, 1/12/2018 AM: 4 miles muddy in 32:21 PM: 2 miles easy in 16:25 Sa, 1/13/2018 5 miles steady on treadmill at 8 mph and 4% incline in 36:00 Su, 1/14/2018 14 mile long run around Lake Williams with 10 x 2:00 fast, rec. 2:00 in middle in 1:48:32 * 1,623ft of elevation gain.. 11 degrees, feels like -2... got out feeling pretty good, although I felt I didn't have my climbing legs. First lap went by very quickly. Hammered up the reverse hill after a GU and then kept it going, hitting 38' for a loop, surprised I held up but was pretty knackered after the 7th 2-min effort or so... said to myself, "less than 2hrs of running" and headed out for the last hybrid lap. Finished up well. Only left glute/hip i...


Mo, 1/1/2018 6 miles on the backside of Lake Redman with 1,055ft in 51:32 Tu, 1/2/2018 Rest We, 1/3/2018 AM: 5 miles easy out to Swann Park early in the morning in 14-degrees in 37:21 PM: Physical Therapy - Glute Med Circuit + Left Adductor + L/R Calves Th, 1/4/2018 3 miles in the snow at Nixon Park clover leaf with 410ft of gain in 27:47 Fr, 1/5/2018 5 miles with Perla celebrating 15yrs at Oregon Ridge with 554ft of gain in 40:27 Sa, 1/6/2018 6 miles in the snow at Nixon Park with 873ft of gain in 56:44 Su, 1/7/2018 11 mile long run around Lake Williams with 1,115ft of gain in 1:25:40 * 44:00 1st Lap // 41:00 2nd Lap in the snow Total 35 Miles with 4,144ft. of Elevation Gain