Mo, 8/20/2018
5 miles out of shape on the HCGT in 40:44
Tu, 8/21/2018
5 miles around Lake Williams with 554ft of gain in 42:01
We, 8/22/2018
1 mi warm-up, 6'-5'-4'-3' fast, rec. 3' at York Tech XC in 42:06 (5M)
* 5;47/mi, 5:46/mi, 5:46/mi, 5:43/mi... not a bad day. Was concerned about my left side, but held up tremendously well and it was more my right side that gave me some concern. Was going to run the full fartlek, but was pretty done by the 2', 1'... great day, 18' of fast running at sub-5:45/mi pace on a wet grass field. Will take it. Feeling healthy.
Th, 8/23/2018
5 miles around Lake Williams with 564ft of gain in 43:14
* Perhaps a bad decision to run trails after a track day, but I haven't been having success running the slanted greenway after hard efforts. I always have failure in my legs. Anyhow, I felt pretty good, running pretty easily on the trails. Only tightened up after I stretched and then with a mile to go on my left oblique, so just need to watch that and ice. 
Fr, 8/24/2018
5 miles at Lake Dunmore with 925ft of elevation gain in 53:57
* What a gorgeous area. I would love a summer lake house here. Trails were gorgeous, slow but nice and strong. My left glute warmed up and was perfectly fine. No real issue other than my right calf. Can tell I am getting healthy, longest run of the comeback by a large margin. Just enjoying being out there again. Adventurous.
Sa, 8/25/2018
1.5 mi warm-up, UA Mountain Series at Killington VT 5K in 20:31
* 2nd Place, 578ft of gain... course record (30:10), but lost the race in the last 80m descent into the finish line. Just couldn't respond, but I worked really well the entire race wondering if my fitness would get me. I really didn't have much, but I can climb and I worked. Just didn't commit enough once I took the lead. 6:30/mi pace on these trails is a great sign.
Su, 8/26/2018
3.5 mile regeneration around Colchester Pond in 37:44
33 Miles with 3,474ft of Elevation Gain in 4h52'
* Great week.. will call this a success. Started out not even being able to run 8:00/mi pace for 5 miles, then had a decent workout on Tuesday and then took some risks on trails leading up to Killington and it paid off. Now back to some recovery and hitting my XC workouts heading into Labor Day Weekend. Undefeated as a Master! Ha.

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