Mo, 3/19/2018
2 miles crisp in 13:13
* avg. 153 HR
Tu, 3/20/2018
4 miles steady out of Nixon Park in 27:34
* avg. 155 HR
We, 3/21/2018
5km steady on the snow in 23:21
* avg. 152 HR
Th, 3/22/2018
2 miles easy in 16:20
* avg. 146 HR
Fr, 3/23/2018
2 miles steady in 14:40
* avg. 159 HR
Sa, 3/24/2018
5 mile long run on trails at Gunpowder with 789ft of gain in 43:34
* avg. 157 HR
Su, 3/25/2018
2 mile recovery in the neighborhood in 15:18
* avg. 148 HR
20 Miles // 2h34' with 1,552ft of Elevation Gain

Alright, I'll take it.. started off the week rehabbing from my right calf strain and opted that I needed to create quicker reactions, so started quickly on my runs and built from there. Finally knocked out the calf by Thursday, setting me up for a nice effort on Saturday on snowy trails in Gunpowder. Was pleased with the post-run results - no major pains, etc. Now I need to focus on my left TFL and my right lat/rib cage. The plan is to accelerate to 40 mi week next week, then 60 mi. We'll see how it goes.

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