Mo, 9/18/2017
10K tough around Lake Williams in 53:35
Tu, 9/19/2017
7 mile progression around Lake Williams in 56:46
We, 9/20/2017
1 mi warm-up, 6-5-4-3-2-1' fast with 3' recovery at 5:43-5:37-5:35-5:41-5:25-5:08/mi pace, 1 mi
Th, 9/21/2017
7 miles moderate around Lake Williams with 810ft of climb in 57:49
Fr, 9/22/2017
7 mile recovery around Lake Williams with 788ft of climb in 55:11
Sa, 9/23/2017
6 mi up-tempo on the Rail Trail in 38:41
Su, 9/24/2017
8 mile long run around Lake Williams with add-on in 1:09:54
48 Miles with 4,918ft. of Elevation Gain

Mo, 9/25/2017
4 miles in the afternoon at Oregon Ridge with 469ft of gain in 29:06
Tu, 9/26/2017
6 miles with variations around Lake Williams in 47:07
We, 9/27/2017
Warm-up, 2000m in 6:48 (rec. 3') + 1200m in 4:00 (rec. 1') + 400m in 75 at York Dirt Track
Th, 9/28/2017
8 miles at Patapsco with Topher and Olivier with 696ft of gain in 1:10:58
Fr, 9/29/2017
AM: 6 miles easy around Lake Williams in 48:06
PM: 4 mile shake-out with Perla on the Rail Trail in 32:23
Sa, 9/30/2017
7 miles steady around Lake Williams with 793ft of gain in 54:22
Su, 10/1/2017
HARRC in the PARK TRAIL 10 MILE in 1:07:23
* avg. 6:50/mi... 640ft of gain.. went out in sub-6:00/mi pace with Greg Johnson and hung tough through 2.5 miles before fatigued. My left side was weak, running off. Had to stop and stretch several times. Fell into 4th place by 5.5 mile aid station, but rallied and got tough battling Tim Schuler, as I didn't want to lose to a 54-year old stud. Hammered like crazy after the last aid station at 8 miles and took home 2nd. 
50 miles with 4,337ft of Elevation Gain

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