Mo, 1/23/2017
9 miles steady battling 20+mph gusts and rain down to Hanover Junction in 1:06:29
* avg. 7:19/mi... awesome run. Was really feeling it after missing yesterday's long run. Perla woke me up early (4:45am), so was a bit tight, but got out there and opted to roll the dice on the wind and hit up Hanover Junction and then extend around the house. Some serious winds, but man, I am fit. Some great work.  
Tu, 1/24/2017
6 miles steady thru the Inner Harbor in 39:29
* avg. 6:55/mi... + 4 x Strides... strides felt amazing. Am feeling so light and fluid. Still disappointed how slow the run was. 6:28 was the fastest mile, but felt like the whole run was that pace, so just don't get it. Anyway, had to get PT on my left quad. Just a bit strained.
We, 1/25/2017
Th, 1/26/2017
5K around Brighton Cir. in 26:27
* avg. 8:06/mi... horrible, horrible, horrible. Just nothing. Not ready. This quad is interesting.
Fr, 1/27/2017
10K stop and go to the Rail Trail in 46:09
* avg. 7:21/mi... ugh. Started out with good energy. Was 37 and windy. Quad felt good, I let it flow, but I just had no power. Where has it all gone? Struggled to get a rhythm. Couldn't get my HR up. Wanted to run harder. Finished up with 2 strides and called it a day. Ugh.
Sa, 1/28/2017
10 miles hilly and lost with some fartlek at Gunpowder with 1,505ft of gain in 1:33:16
* avg. 9:15/mi... got lost on quite a few segments and had some good moments of running. Was dealing with an iffy right post-tib and then started 20 min of 1' on, 1' off, but should've stuck to the fire roads instead of the singletrack. Total bonk. Not happy. Wanted 2.5 hours. Hmm.
Su, 1/29/2017
35 Miles with 2,553ft of Elevation Gain

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