Mo, 8/15/2016
AM: 4 miles easy on the Rail Trail in 31:29
* avg. 7:33/mi.. was hoping for a great run and got a pretty injured run. Not ready yet. Opted to run easy, but still not there. Looking to get treatment this afternoon. Just strained right hamstring.
PM: Physical Therapy - Right Hamstring
Tu, 8/16/2016
Preemptive Rest
We, 8/17/2016
3 mile test on the Rail Trail
Th, 8/18/2016
4 miles steady on the Rail Trail in 30:58
* avg. 7:24/mi... much better. Had more energy. Felt pretty good, but tightness still lingers in the hamstring upper attachment. Stopped a couple of times, but always loosened up after stretching. I know the process, this is typical.
Fr, 8/19/2016
4 miles steady on the Rail Trail in 29:45
* avg. 7:21/mi... felt great. Closed in 7:05/mi... really smooth, only had fitness issues towards the end but the hamstring is over 80% of strength. Daydreaming about killing trails. Going to transition back. 
Sa, 8/20/2016
4 mile progression with last mile fast in 6:35 + 4 x 200m, rec. 90" in 40:00
* avg. 7:19/mi... 4 x 200m in @ 35"... felt like complete garbage. Not sure why, maybe because I missed lunch yesterday. Anyway, got going and ran a nice last mile, thought I was faster, but 6:35 is what it was.. then laced up my flats and hit up the 200s on the dirt track. Hamstring was perfect. 
Su, 8/21/2016
8 mile long run around Lake Redman with 841ft of elevation gain in 1:03:08
* avg. 8:25/mi... 841ft of gain.. wanted to take this really easily and just get time on my feet and feel my way through my first full trail run in months. Felt like I was running well. No major issues, just little wake-up calls here and there. Was surprised how slow I ended up running, but I'll take it. This is my motivation.
27 Miles with 1,007ft of Elevation Gain

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