Mo, 5/23/2016
6 miles locked down on the Greenway in 44:28
* avg. 7:23/mi... totally felt funky on this run, like I hadn't run in a long time. My right adductor and right glute are shut down. I wonder if it's from the race and effort. Hmm.
Tu, 5/24/2016
6 miles steady on the Greenway in 43:12
* avg. 7:08/mi... much better. I think the mobility exercises helped re-align my body. Need to stay on top of those. I felt great on this run, just some continued tightness behind my hip bone, but great fluidity. Weird at 35-minutes.
We, 5/25/2016
8 miles steady on the Greenway with 673ft of gain in 1:02:27
* avg. 7:55/mi... having a Chateauneuf du Pape on an empty stomach before dinner left me with a headache and feeling without energy, but am getting amazingly fit, so I pressed on and opted to hit up Nixon Park to waste some time and get some time on technical terrain and make the run go by faster. I was running so fluidly. The dry-needling on my glute and my post-tibs was great work, once again. Only weakness is right groin/adductor, still weak. 
Th, 5/26/2016
Warm-up, 2 x 200m uphill + Carlisle Downtown Mile in 4:57.38
* 2:35/800m split... felt like garbage warming up. Just not used to running at 7PM. Plus, it was the first super humid-hot day and it was pretty miserable. I just didn't feel like myself. Out of body experience. Anyway, I lined up and was as ready as could be against the other 30-49 year olds. I set off in about 4th place, well out of the lead. I started to move up, but saw 1:20 on the 1/4 mile split. That had to be wrong. Kept fighting my body and relaxing saw 2:35 on the clock at 1/2 way and was freaking out. No way I was going to run a 5:10 mile. I do repeats on the track at that pace!! So I hammered, had a good little battle with another runner and started opening up. Left leg started to think about shutting down, but I pressed on. The leader was coming back to me quickly, but ran out of room and gritted my way to a sub-5:00/mile... that's been the same since 1992. Wow. I'll take it. Fine effort. Madelyn 6:39 and Victoria 6:52. Sweet.
Fr, 5/27/2016
12K steady around Lake Williams with 716ft of gain in 56:11
* avg. 7:37/mi.. great recovery. Hottest run of the year and first run without a shirt. Hit up the Lake due to motivation and not want to see slow splits on the Greenway. Goal was a "fast" 7 miles, but I gave it a good effort with what I had after last night's Mile. Good feelings.
Sa, 5/28/2016
3 mile regeneration on the Greenway in 23:10
* avg. 7:38/mi... was feeling great and then my body just sort've shut down. The Carlisle Mile and yesterday's hard trail effort caught up to me. Tightness in my right outer hamstring and lower IT a pain. Oh well, shut it down for tomorrow.
Su, 5/29/2016
Charlie Horse Trail Half Marathon in 1:37:46
* 1,861ft elevation gain, avg. 7:25/mil... damn tough race. Started out in about 5-7th place, but eventually moved up by the mile and just kept my pace. The course had some great trails and climbs and knew I had it won within the first 3 miles just due to the talent in the field. Opted for long run pace and had some great  stretches of easy, fluid running. Was feeling quite amazing on the uphills and trails, but then we hit the road section and the massive downhill mile shut me down and then I absolutely gave back all of my lead on the uphill road section, as I was just done. It was so hot and I was not fit for the distance and effort. I started worrying that I wouldn't be able to finish and if it would've been a road finish, it would've been interesting. However, we hopped back on trails, got through some mud pits and it rejuventated me and I got going to the finish, running really well. Strong finish, some damage done to left hammy, but #2 time all-time. 
50 Miles with 3,983ft of Elevation Gain

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