Mo, 3/14/2016
3.5 miles easy down the Greenway with 208ft of gain in 29:04
* Hell yeah. Trusted my instincts and my body held up. No pain. No onset of pain. Ran well, had some fatigue. Stopped when insecure, but mainly had a pretty good run. Will stick with Canova build-up, but perhaps shortened. 
Tu, 3/15/2016
4 mile progression on the Greenway with 213ft of gain in 29:41
* 7:34, 7:30, 7:21, 7:06... big improvement on yesterday. Tib. Post ain't perfect, but will continue to strengthen as I stick to my schedule of 5 days 30 min, 5 days 45 min, 5 days 60 min. Wed and Thu am on roads. Weekend trails!
We, 3/16/2016
4 miles easy with Ian around the Inner Harbor in 30:00
* Left calf was troublesome today, but not painful at the tib post, which was good. Immediately after got treatment, which was great. I know I am on the way back to health, just need to continue making good decisions.
Th, 3/17/2016
4.5 miles steady around Fort McHenry in 30:00
* There goes easy to moderate - 6:57, 7:28, 7:01, 6:56... I started out what I thought was relaxed, and it was, but by halfway I was trashed. My right hip wasn't working, then it was my quad. Just have zero muscles right now. Keep working.
Fr, 3/18/2016
4.5 miles easy to moderate on Fort McHenry with 241ft of elevation gain in 30:00
* 7:13, 7:19, 7:14, 6:47, 6:43... GAP down to 7:44, 7:12, 6:39, 6:44, 6:08... big improvements and felt solid. Tiny tightness in left calf, but really well run on the uphills and downs. Feeling positive. Solid run, great health. 
Sa, 3/19/2016
4 mile disaster around Lake Williams with 444ft of gain in 30:07
* Like a dumb@ss, I thought my post-tib was ready. It felt great to start, but I should have known better. Trail was soft, meaning my post-tib would have to work harder to control pronation. Was feeling great, if not a little out of shape, but by 30-min I felt it re-straining, which is not a good feeling. Stopped and walked it in. Ugh.
Su, 3/20/2016
25 Miles

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