Mo, 1/25/2016
5 miles steady on the roads of Seven Valleys with 627ft of gain in 38:25
* Got out early and hit up the same loops as yesterday in better conditions. Everything felt great until the final couple of climbs where my right soleus/Achilles started to be painful again. Ugh. May knock out tomorrow on the treadmill.
Tu, 1/26/2016
Physical Therapy - Right Gastroc/Achilles
We, 1/27/2016
6 miles with 1-2-1-2-1' slightly uphill on Water St. with 639ft of gain in 47:11
* Solid workout. Jerod did a great job yesterday with the knot in my calf from snow running and I felt confident enough to give hills a go. A bit sluggish, but I ran well. Disappointed that the second 2' effort completely wasted me, but I need to gain fitness. 
Th, 1/28/2016
9 miles with 2 x (9-10 min uphill, then to 15 min good) with 722ft of climb in 1:02:12
* -2 degrees when I woke up. Picked Lake Rd. for the subtle 4% grade. Some officers checked on me before my run and then started out. My Achilles was bothersome, but I trucked on and had a solid first 10 min before a rough final 5. The second rep went much better. Very strong on the climbs, thinking of Jiannan Rd. then once again, when trying to open up just got rough, but rallied really well to finish and by the end my calf/Achilles felt great/normal. Solid work.
Fr, 1/29/2016
5 miles easy around Seven Valleys with 529ft of gain in 38:53
* Nice and easy. Legs felt great after yesterday's workout. Tried to avoid the hills, but my mind wasn't in the mood for loops. Hit up the icy dirt road then made it around the neighborhood. Great finish, full of strength.
Sa, 1/30/2016
16 miles of evading death on Hyner with 4,271ft of elevation gain in 3:37:08
* Holy crap. The worst decision of my life. Heading out to Hyner because I saw no snow, called the park and the park ranger said no snow, so i drove the 3hrs started off great, loving Humble Hill. However, soon the backside started getting snowy, then icy, then deathly. Got lost, almost called 911, somehow made my way back to town. Fell about 20 times on the just pure ice-skating in Bandits. Just horrible. Perhaps avoided injury. Unreal . Never again.
Su, 1/31/2016
4 mile regeneration around Spooky Nook Campus in 36:06
* Quads are pretty trashed. Some stop on go with the post-tib, but held up nicely. Felt pretty decent after yesterday's trauma. Aside from neck, triceps, upper back, quads, and calves...oh, and forearms, I think I'm good.
45 Miles with 6,781ft of Elevation Gain

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