Mo, 11/23/2015
Physical Therapy - Dry Needling R/L Post-Tib
Tu, 11/24/2015
6+ miles steady around Lake Williams with 669ft of elevation gain in 43:27
* Avg. HR 152bpm... this is a steady run on this course. Really worried my right post-tib wouldn't be ready as it was pretty swollen and sore, but I knew that I react well to treatment and I've been able to run through this to get better. Was really rolling and then at mid-way hit some real fatigue and pain but pushed through. Last mile was great. We'll see... 
We, 11/25/2015
6 miles at Lake Williams trails with 6 x 1 min / 1 min with 536ft of gain in 45:48
* First workout under Nippert. He wanted "rough ground" so I headed out to my typical loop and hit the backstretch. Only concern was right calf, which just still felt tight when climbing, which I don't like at all. Hoping to loosen up tonight.
Th, 11/26/2015
9 miles with 1.5M + 3 x 10 min, rec. 3:00 on the Hollow Creek Greenway + 1.5M in 1:03:25
* 8:30/mi pace on the warm-up, feeling pretty good. Ran the workout in my Bandits to preserve my calves. Hit a strong opener, 9:06 up the trail, feeling strong. Then, had a pretty solid descent, only falling apart the final 2-3 minutes, running 9:04 for the downhill. Last one was interesting. Was on the fence about the calf, but got after it and felt solid. However, the last ran more comfortably, hit 9:18 on the up, but finally exposed my weakness - whatever it is, my glute, glute med, no idea, but my left foot totally caves in because there is no strength carrying it through. Will figure it out.
Fr, 11/27/2015
5 miles recovery around Lake Williams with 576ft of gain in 41:47
* Actually thought I was going to knock out my 2:40 long run, but within the first climb I realized I had no power. Opted to stick to the 40 min recovery scheduled the day after my workout. Just not strong enough to run long on trails after a workout.
Sa, 11/28/2015
3+ mile taper on the Greenway with 149ft of gain in 25:02
* Coach adjusted my run based on tomorrow's race. Felt good. No major issues. Left post-tib a bit tight, but am feeling confident to race in my Bandits. Will be fun.
Su, 11/29/2015
"Dirty Bird" 15K Trail with 1,190ft of gain in 1:04:38
* 1st Place - 3+ min improvement on 2014. Race started out steady and fast on the road to the trail-head. Led into the trail and kept the foot on the gas to burn out those behind me. It was a great battle of finding footing, working through the treacherous terrain and rock fields. Made it up the climb well, didn't feel great on the quick road section, but felt steady on the descent. Then ran into malaise trouble (warming up had no energy, no food, hmm) and hit a rough patch. Opted to relax and just go with the flow. Then went through a patch where I twisted my left ankle about six times in a row. Was cursing myself out loud, but then, on the backside of the lollipop, started rolling and had a tremendous climb, just powering up that thing (ended up being 5:07/mi GAP in leaves/rocks) and that made the race. Had to fight on-coming runners on the run home and had tons left in the tank. Great finish, great race, no issues post-race. Won by 2+ min.
42 Miles with 3,724ft of Elevation Gain

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