Mo, 9/21/2015
AM: 6 miles with Loop around Lake Williams and 598ft of gain in 38:55 + 8 Diagonals
PM: 3 miles easy at the Rail Trail in 24:36
Tu, 9/22/2015
1.5 mile warm-up in 14:04, 400m in 76...
* Groins are not recovered from the race... just too tight and didn't want to risk anything. Goal workout was 4 x 4 x 400m in 72 with 90"/5' recoveries. After an opening 76, I knew they were too tight to push on. Body is wicked smart.
We, 9/23/2015
AM: 4 miles steady at the HCGT in 30:01
PM: 3 miles easy down the HCGT in 22:51
* Yay, great double. Finally had power and strength on my second run. Great feelings, nice and smooth, good stride. Signed up with Jake for hopefully long-term. Loser at the gate said it was not a parking spot. Will argue until towed.
Th, 9/24/2015
AM: 7 miles with 30 min easy, then 30" fast, 1:30 easy in 48:14
* 6:48/mi avg. 483ft of climb. Ran down to the 1M mark on HCGT. 30:00 at 7:08/mi average. For the 30" pick-ups, hit 5:18, 5:36, 5:42, 5:13, 5:55, 5:05, 5:40, 4:52, 5:29, 5:08/mi... right leg fell apart the last couple of minutes. Frustrating, but felt good regardless.
PM: 4 miles steady at the HCGT in 29:37
Fr, 9/25/2015
9 miles with the last two miles fast with 511ft of gain in 1:03:25
* 7:48, 7:17, 7:03, 6:48, 6:40, 6:23, 6:42, 6:06, 5:58 (avg. 6:52/mi)... solid run. Started in darkness, but soon got going, kept it chill the whole way and then just opened up for two laps around my house. Second lap was awesome. Some depletion.
Sa, 9/26/2015
2 mile zombie run around Berlin
Su, 9/27/2015
6 miles easy around the Berlin Marathon Course in 50:19
47 Miles

Mo, 9/28/2015
11 mile long run at the Tiergarten with 1', 1', 2', 1', 1', 2' pick-ups every 5' in 1:20:00
* Horrendous. Started out with the group, so we were jogging and I soon fell into a malaise... finally broke free, but battled bonking and muscular fatigue with each pick-up. Not smooth at all. Didn't even time my pick-up paces, I was going well, but the recovery in between was stop-and-go. Just proud to have run the full workout when I could've called it a day.
Tu, 9/29/2015
2 mile warm-up, 3 x (5 x 1' fast, 1' easy) rec. 3' at the Berlin Tiergarten Loop in 55:00
* Easy - 5:17, 5:31, 5:16, 5:19, 5:39; Medium - 5:12, 5:10, 5:20, 5:07, 5:18; Race - 4:15, 4:54, 4:55, 5:03, 4:56... was going to run this on the track, but the track was being re-constructed, so I picked out my favorite section on the Tiergarten and rolled. Biggest concern was getting my stuff stolen by all the homeless, but I was slick in hiding my gear. Freaking opened it up the last one. I was absolutely working like I haven't worked in YEARS! Felt like a car and I've been keeping it under 3-5000 rpm, but today took it to 8000 rpm!
We, 9/30/2015
6 miles steady up and down the HCGT in 42:35
* 6:47, 6:58, 6:44, 6:38, 6:54, 6:41 (avg. 6:54/mi GAP)... opted to start at the P-lot and head uphill from the start. Got in late last night, slept in minimally then got out there. Felt very light and fast, although I fatigued quickly. Good stuff.
Th, 10/1/2015
AM: 7 miles, with 4 miles easy in 30:01, 10 x :30 fast, 1:30 easy in 50:00
* Avg. 7:02/mi for the first 30', then hit 5:31, 5:14, 5:19, 5:27, 5:16, 5:57, 5:31, 5:27, 5:15, 4:48/mi on the pick-ups. Held up much better than same workout last week, covering more distance as well. Good improvement, strong from start. 
PM: 4 miles progressive around neighborhood in 29:09
* 8:08, 7:30, 7:09, 7:09 (avg. 7:34/mi GAP)... quite the battle to get out there, it was raining, I was tired, I was supposed to babysit. Got out there and immediately thought it was a mistake. Legs twinged, didn't feel great, was jogging, trying to conjure any strength. THEN, my body got it. Rolled into the run finished up super well. Good effort. Good stuff.
Fr, 10/2/2015
2.5 miles easy in 19:21 + Drills, 5 x Strides, 6 x 100m Accelerations, 1.5 miles in 10:18
* On the run felt so light and crisp. Thankful to have doubled yesterday. Felt great on the 20:00, then hit the track in the rain, drills and strides, then launched into the 6 x 100m in 16" with walk recovery. Consistent and strong. Like it.
Sa, 10/3/2015
20' warm-up, drills/strides, Run 4 the Sun 5K in 16:34, 10' + 4 x 1:30/2:30 + 10' cool-down
* 5:28, 10:59, 16:06, :29 (avg. 5:19/mi)... felt good on the warm-up, 45-degrees, rainy, windy. Interesting start, got out well, saw 2:40 for 0.5 mi, then kept running steady. Ran into some right leg/adductor weakness at 1.5 mi, but worked it out on the hills and then did my best to hammer down the last mile, as was the plan. Finished strongly. The 4 x 1:30 progressions were interesting, each 30" got faster, was rolling well, working well. Felt a strain in my right adductor on a stupid uphill on my cool-down. Hopefully not significant. 
Su, 10/4/2015
20K long run at the Rail Trail down to the Mason-Dixon Line in 1:33:23
* Rough one. Completely trashed from yesterday, but was clicking off 7:30s so kept it going. Great mental exercise, fell apart quite a bit on the return, stop-and-go, but got it done, working out the kinks and tightness. Great course. 
62 Miles

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