Mo, 2/16/2015
5 miles easy around Logan's Reserve with 197ft of gain in 31:26
Tu, 2/17/2015
5 miles with 5km warm-up in 24:07 + 4 x 2:00 fast, rec. 3:00
* 6:12, 6:01, 5:57, 6:05/mi efforts...
We, 2/18/2015
3 miles easy around Locust Point + Drills in 22:56
* 3 x 30m skips + 3 x 30m butt-kicks + 3 x 30m high knees + 3 x 30m bounds
Th, 2/19/2015
4 mile warm-up with 172ft of gain in 27:08 + 2km uphill in 7:49
* -11 degrees... carried my flats, freezing hands, nice hills, got to the start line, hid in a barn to protect myself from the wind, and then put on my flats and attacked as best I could, in control, up the hill. Solid in that I was able to run the entire 2km without stopping and in control. Feel like I am really coming around and gaining health.
Fr, 2/20/2015
8 miles steady out to Patterson Park with 86ft of gain in 55:38
Sa, 2/21/2015
3 mile warm-up in Fat Tires in 20:00 + 4 mile uphill tempo on treadmill in 30:30
* Mile 1 - 8mph, 2% grade; Mile 2 - 8mph, 4% grade; Mile 3 - 7.5-8mph, 6% grade, Mile 3-3.5 - 8mph, 8% grade, Mile 3.5-4 - 8mph, 10% grade... just building back the muscles I lost... good day.
Su, 2/22/2015
1 mile in the snow
37 Miles

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