Mo, 12/15/2014
8 miles hard at Oregon Ridge with 1,033ft of elevation gain in 53:51
* 1st time up Ski Slope (15%), pretty tough effort... not enough warm-up to start, fatigued left hamstring and calf... may have over-done it but was pretty pumped on a gorgeous 50-degree day, watching Makau's form
Tu, 12/16/2014
7 miles total with 5 x 5:00 fast on the Greenway, rec. 2:00 in 52:50
* 5:40, 5:19, 5:19, 5:16, 5:35/mi efforts... pretty tired from yesterday
We, 12/17/2014
9 miles total, with Old Field in 54:09 + 12 x 80m uphill on Pump Station in 1:03:31
Th, 12/18/2014
9 miles total, 3 mile warm-up in 24:46 + 10km tempo avg. 5:59/mi - 1:01:36 total
Fr, 12/19/2014
7 miles early around the Inner Harbor in 47:17
Sa, 12/20/2014
7 miles total - 12 x 500m in 97, 99, 98, 98, 96, 97, 99, 97, 97, 98, 97, 97, rec. 100m
Su, 12/21/2014
18 miles at Tuscarora State Park with 3,826ft of elevation gain in 2:57:36
65 Miles with 5,846ft of Elevation Gain
8 miles hard at Oregon Ridge with 1,033ft of elevation gain in 53:51
* 1st time up Ski Slope (15%), pretty tough effort... not enough warm-up to start, fatigued left hamstring and calf... may have over-done it but was pretty pumped on a gorgeous 50-degree day, watching Makau's form
Tu, 12/16/2014
7 miles total with 5 x 5:00 fast on the Greenway, rec. 2:00 in 52:50
* 5:40, 5:19, 5:19, 5:16, 5:35/mi efforts... pretty tired from yesterday
We, 12/17/2014
9 miles total, with Old Field in 54:09 + 12 x 80m uphill on Pump Station in 1:03:31
Th, 12/18/2014
9 miles total, 3 mile warm-up in 24:46 + 10km tempo avg. 5:59/mi - 1:01:36 total
Fr, 12/19/2014
7 miles early around the Inner Harbor in 47:17
Sa, 12/20/2014
7 miles total - 12 x 500m in 97, 99, 98, 98, 96, 97, 99, 97, 97, 98, 97, 97, rec. 100m
Su, 12/21/2014
18 miles at Tuscarora State Park with 3,826ft of elevation gain in 2:57:36
65 Miles with 5,846ft of Elevation Gain