Mo, 10/13/2014
Tu, 10/14/2014
5 miles easy down the Greenway with 328ft of gain in 36:10
We, 10/15/2014
3 miles easy, 8 x 1' fast, 1' easy in 33:42
* 5:04, 5:05, 4:54, 5:13, 4:58, 4:59, 4:59, 5:00
Th, 10/16/2014
5 miles steady down the Greenway in 35:58 + 4 x 800m in 2:44, 2:45, 2:36, 2:44
Fr, 10/17/2014
5 miles easy down the Greenway with 341ft of gain in 36:37
Sa, 10/18/2014
Warm-up, Baltimore Marathon Relay - Leg 3 in 38:29
* 5:19, 5:46, 5:55, 5:55, 6:02, 5:58, 5:49 (avg. 5:49/mi)
Su, 10/19/2014
7 miles on trail at Lake Redman with 780ft of elevation gain in 48:26
40 Miles

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