Mo, 5/12/2014
5.4 miles easy at Patapsco with 408ft of elevation gain in 43:55
* Not pleased. Goal was 1hr, but my right Achilles was again getting tight. Not sure from the drive or from the downhill at Old Rag Mtn. Very disappointed as I know this can turn into something worse. Shoe felt like it wasn't holding my heel.
Tu, 5/13/2014
10' warm-up, 1600-1200-800-400-200m, rec. 3' in 5:10, 3:44, 2:18, 71, 33
We, 5/14/2014
Physical Therapy, Left Post-Tib and Soleus/Calf
Th, 5/15/2014
7.4 miles at the Golden Gate Bridge with 1,309ft of elevation gain in 57:48
Fr, 5/16/2014
7.7 miles ascending and descending Mt. Tam with 5,182ft of elevation in 1:24:04
* Pretty awesome. Was way too tempted to attempt the infamous Mt. Tam Summit and FKT. Thought I could run around 35:00, which would place me Top 3-5 on the list. I was very pleased how I rolled the road section in prep for Mt. Washington, especially after going into debt on the Bernard St. stairs. Got running pretty well, and then hit the Temalpa Trail. Slipped a bit and just don't have the aggression on the really rocky parts and am not fit enough to "dig" yet, but I can see myself running pretty fast on this climb when in a race effort. Would love to get out here for the real thing. Totally didn't understand the final scramble to the summit and wasted time running in circles, but I wasn't going to descend until I found the tower. The Descent (39:37) wasn't bad at all except for a few spots. My road descending has gotten excellent. Great sensations, really turning a corner, especially with my post-tib drills 
Sa, 5/17/2014
4.2 miles easy at Tennessee Valley Trail with 430ft of elevation gain in 30:18
Su, 5/18/2014
Bay to Breakers in 44:22
* 5:41, 5:37, 6:07, 6:08, 5:56, 5:41, 6:12, 5:28 (avg. 5:53/mi)... Hayes St. Hill Challenge, 3:18.1 (1st AG, 35-39; 31st OA)
40 Miles with 5,010ft of Elevation Gain

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