Mo, 7/1/2013
8 mile long run around OSPark in 53:57
* 8:22, 7:20, 7:05, 7:19, 7:00, 6:59, 6:51, 6:49 (avg. 7:16/mi)... well, that long run went to sh!t. Ha, I lost track of my days, and didn't realize that yesterday was Sunday, thought it was Saturday. Well, I needed to run my long run, started out easy, but man, this park is like running in Vietnam, thru the jungle and on the beach (so sandy). Surprisingly, my right hip was absolutely worthless and tight, probably due from the 12 hours at the beach yesterday with the girls, jumping waves all day. Oh well, a step forward.
Tu, 7/2/2013
7 miles with 15 min easy and 5.2 miles steady Yellow Loop in 32:22 at OSPark in 46:55
* 8:28, 7:34, 6:16, 6:29, 6:31, 6:09, 6:09 (avg. 6:49/mi)... crazy tough. Am actually pleased in retrospect, looking at my paces. This is not an easy trail, tremendously sandy, hot, humid, miserable, but I hammered it out, trying to relax as much as possible. Will look to double today as yesterday was a complete wash (rain out).
We, 7/3/2013
5 miles recovery around OSPark Green Loop in 33:47
* 7:39, 7:35, 7:02, 6:57, 6:50 (avg. 7:18/mi)
Th, 7/4/2013
6 miles steady at OSPark Yellow Loop in 40:45
* 8:11, 7:02, 6:39, 6:48, 6:30, 6:34 (avg. 6:58/mi)
Fr, 7/5/2013
7 miles with 17 x 1 min fast, 1 min easy on Osprey Lake Trail in 47:52
* 5:26, 5:22, 5:34, 5:08, 5:32, 5:22, 5:20, 4:59, 5:08, 4:59, 5:17, 5:03, 5:09, 5:00, 5:08, 4:54, 5:04 (avg. 5:12/mi pace)
Sa, 7/6/2013
4 miles recovery on the Kendall Kanals in 33:00
Su, 7/7/2013
3 miles uphill on South Place Hotel - London Treadmill
40 Miles

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