
Showing posts from February, 2013


Mo, 2/25/2013 5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 34:30 Tu, 2/26/2013 Rest / Left Calf & Soleus We, 2/27/2013 Rest Th, 2/28/2013 25 min on CTC Treadmill and Treatment with Dr. Bross Fr, 3/01/2013 35 min on CTC Treadmill Sa, 3/02/2013 Patuxent River Trail 10K in 38:52 Su, 3/03/2013 4 miles easy on Patapsco with Perla on my birthday in 37:30 Total 25 Miles


Mo, 2/18/2013 5.13 miles at Patapsco with 1,019ft elevation gain in 43:43 * 8:43, 8:11, 8:26, 8:43, 8:36, 8:03... avg. 8:31/mi... sloppy conditions, but impressed I was able to put in some good time on the trails, coming to 2hrs in two days of trail running. Good stuff. Right hamstring was tender, probably due to all the slipping and sliding yesterday. Great that I was able to get motivated to hit 40+ minutes today on a beautiful day. Tu, 2/19/2013 6 mile fartlek on CTC Treadmill in 45 min * 2 mi at 7.0mph/0.5%... 4'-3'-2'-1'-30" at 5:42/mi pace, rec. 7:30/mi pace We, 2/20/2013 5 miles steady on CTC Treadmill in 35 min * 5' at 7.5mph/0.5%... 2.0 mi at 8.5mph/0.5% + 2 mi at 8.0mph/3% grade.. .finished off with 1 mi at 8.5mph/0.5%... I just get bored on the treadmill, so I have to mess around on it. Some good climbing at 3% just to get some muscular stimulus. Th, 2/21/2013 20 min warm-up, 2km climbing at 6.0% grade at 9.0mph Fr, 2/22/2013 9 miles on t...


Mo, 2/11/2013 7+ miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 51:03 Tu, 2/12/2013 5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 35:12 We, 2/13/2013 5 miles on CTC Treadmill in 35:00 * 5' at 7.5mph, 10' at 7.5mph/3%, 15' at 9.0mph, 5' at 7.5mph/6%... in PREFORM, awesome run, the 7.5mph at 6% was an absolute breeze after running at 9mph at 0.5% grade. Just clicking. Left leg was not a concern at all. Th, 2/14/2013 4 mile fartlek on CTC Treadmill in 30:00 * 5' at 7.0mph, 10' at 8.0mph, 5' of 1' at 5:18 pace, 1' at 7:00 pace + 5' of 30" at 5:18 pace, 30" at 7:00 pace + 2'30" at 3% incline at 7:00 pace + 2'30" at 7:00/mi pace Fr, 2/15/2013 8.5 mile trail run at Patapsco Valley State Park in 1:03:30 with 1,048ft of elevation gain Sa, 2/16/2013 0.5 miles slopping around Worthington Elementary in snow Su, 2/17/2013 10 miles at Patapsco with Guy in 1:19:31 with 1,248ft of elevation gain Total 40 Miles


Mo, 2/4/2013 5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 34:26 6:55, 7:09, 7:08, 7:04... Garmin was wack the first mile, but I was definitely tired from yesterday's hills. It's amazing how weak I am, but I have to realize that I am running quite well. I am very balanced in my stride and even tired I am running under 7-min miles without much effort. Today was a jog, just getting the work in. Oh, and it was 28-degrees and cold. Tu, 2/5/2013 6 miles steady with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 43:32 7:00, 7:08, 7:07, 6:59, 6:50... ugh, miserable with my left piriformis causing trouble the whole run. Wonder what brought it on, if it was the run in the snow/hills on Sunday, but definitely had to stop quite a bit and stretch. At least I know how to deal with it, should be gone shortly. We, 2/6/2013 4 miles easy with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 28:31 7:27, 7:03, 7:01, 7:12 (avg. 7:11)... still dealing with my left piriformis, although much better than yesterday. Th, 2/7/2013 3 miles fallin...