Mo, 2/4/2013 5 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 34:26 6:55, 7:09, 7:08, 7:04... Garmin was wack the first mile, but I was definitely tired from yesterday's hills. It's amazing how weak I am, but I have to realize that I am running quite well. I am very balanced in my stride and even tired I am running under 7-min miles without much effort. Today was a jog, just getting the work in. Oh, and it was 28-degrees and cold. Tu, 2/5/2013 6 miles steady with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 43:32 7:00, 7:08, 7:07, 6:59, 6:50... ugh, miserable with my left piriformis causing trouble the whole run. Wonder what brought it on, if it was the run in the snow/hills on Sunday, but definitely had to stop quite a bit and stretch. At least I know how to deal with it, should be gone shortly. We, 2/6/2013 4 miles easy with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 28:31 7:27, 7:03, 7:01, 7:12 (avg. 7:11)... still dealing with my left piriformis, although much better than yesterday. Th, 2/7/2013 3 miles fallin...