Mon, 10/8/2012
4 miles steady down New Cut Rd. (41F) in 26:43 (13:26/13:17)
Tue, 10/9/2012
9 miles fast around Patterson Park in 57:17
Wed, 10/10/2012
Warm-up, 4 x 1600m in 5:16, 5:20, 5:18, 5:19, rec. 3' jog
Thu, 10/11/2012
AM: 4 miles steady down New Cut Rd. in 26:35 (13:21/13:14)
PM: 6 miles easy around Locust Point in 41:38
Fri, 10/12/2012
6 miles steady in Patapsco in 42:40
Sat, 10/13/2012
AM: Warm-up, United 5K in 16:30
* Very disappointing. I am having mechanical issues with my left leg. I have figured it out, as my left foot dives-in through the gait cycle, leading to fatigue in the IT-Band and Quad, which caused me to stop and stretch at 2.5M this morning. Disappointing. I have never had to stop in a 5K before. I hit 7:40 at the turn-around and just couldn't control my left leg. After the stop, with 3rd passing me, I worked hard, caught up and kicked, then kicked again, only to relax the last 5m and get pipped at the line. No worries. I am getting my racing instinct back and much better to have this happen at a low-key 5K than at the Masters Championships. In the PM, I did squat-jumps and the lunge matrix to start addressing my weaknesses. This is not acceptable. I started the year with a 15:45 and today was only worth about 16:00 with the stop. I am getting back on the Oregon System with specific work to run 4:25/8:46.
PM: Squat/Lunge Drills
Sun, 10/14/2012
15 miles steady in Patapsco in 1:37:45 (48:59/48:46)
* Great run. I was understandably tired from yesterday's race and PM session of squats and leg-work, but I hammered out 15 solid miles, not slowing down in the slightest. Trails are my strength. I love when I get into the proper run form, aggressive, crisp, powerful. I need to start reaping the benefits of cumulative training, which I have noticed I am not getting. Is it age? It is too much interruption in training due to work/travel? Only time will tell.
58 Miles

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