I Can't Wait For Someone to Catch Me

Mon, 2/27/2012
5 miles steady around Elkridge in 32:41
Tue, 2/28/2012
8 miles steady with Ealy around Patapsco in 55:08 + weights
Wed, 2/29/2012
AM: 4 mile fartlek with 3'-2'-1' pick-ups with equal rest in 27:12
PM: Mt. Washington Workout #2 - 3 miles with 3'-2'-1' pick-ups up 12% in 25:00
Thu, 3/1/2012
5 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 33:03
Fri, 3/2/2012
4 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 26:20 + weights
Sat, 3/3/2012
Warm-up, 5 x 1 Muddy XC Mile in 5:42, 5:26, 5:18, 5:08, 5:07 (rest 2 min)
* Well, another weekend and unable to race an ultra... huge thunderstorms moved in last night, risking cancellation of the Seneca Creek Trail Marathon, which I am the CR and defending champion, but the website noted a chance of cancellation, so I opted not to drive out and inconvenience my family and risk injury, etc., so I opted for a strong XC workout. I was planning on 6 x 1 Mile in 5:50-5:40-5:30-5:20-5:10-5:02, but the effort of the mud and wind left me calling it a day at 5 reps since I only improved 1-sec from #4 to #5, but it was a great effort. Really pleased since my motivation had been in the dumps. Great to get this in...
Sun, 3/4/2012
14 miles easy around Patapsco with Tristram Thomas in 1:38:59
52 Miles

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