
Showing posts from January, 2012

Swallowed By Pain

Mon, Jan 30 4 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 28:45 + strides/weights Tue, Jan 31 3 miles easy, 2 x 2 miles in 10:26, 10:27 (rec. 3'), 3 miles easy Wed, Feb 01 AM: 4 miles easy around Elkridge in 29:14 PM: 7 miles steady around Inner Harbor in 42:25 + weights * This was absolutely insane. Had a relaxed, completely in control Kenyan-like recovery run in the morning and then at lunch went on my 7-mile loop. I am not sure I have seen a time under 47-minutes for this course. I started out tired, but feeling like I was 115lbs and fit as hell. My stride didn't have any power, so I just cycled thru the motions, having trouble with my laces. Anyway, I finished up the run and saw 42:25 on my watch and it was simply amazing. Need to research but I swear, 47:15 is the CR. Nuts. Good fitness. Thu, Feb 02 9 miles on trails at Patapsco in 56:20 + strides Fri, Feb 03 AM: 5 miles steady thru Rockburn in 32:42 PM: 5 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 33:06 + s...

A Little Bit of Disregard

Mon, Jan 23 AM: 4 miles with 8 x 300m (rec. 100m jog) in 50"-51"-51"-51"-51"-51"-50"-50" PM: 7 miles steady thru Inner Harbor in 47:47 Tue, Jan 24 AM: 5 miles steady thru Rockburn in 33:05 PM: 5 miles stead thru Ft. McHenry in 32:53 Wed, Jan 25 AM: 4 miles easy thru Rockburn in 28:32 PM: 2 miles easy in 15:02, 8km tempo around Ft. McHenry in 26:58 Thu, Jan 26 9 miles steady on Patapsco Trails in 1:02:53 Fri, Jan 27 4 miles steady and windy around Ft. McHenry in 26:44 + weights * That's how I know I am getting fit... awoke to a rainstorm, thought I would attend Bison Open, bailed on that plan, so opted for just a 4 miler + weights and I absolutely cruised my run. Didn't feel like I took a breath or took a step. Sat, Jan 28 AM: 7 miles with last 4 miles progressive in 22:29 (6:02, 5:51, 5:14, 5:17) PM: US Open Indoor Track & Field in Madison Square Garden (NYC) Sun, Jan 29 24 miles steady thru the trails in Patapsco in...

A Life No One Could Touch

Monday, Jan 16 20 miles on trails in Patapsco Valley State Park in 2:26:49 * Gun Rd 1M (uphill) in 6:16 Tuesday, Jan 17 7 miles recovery around Inner Harbor + Strides in 50:16 Wednesday, Jan 18 Work Thursday, Jan 19 8 laps in 10:56 (r. 3'), 6 laps in 8:00 (r. 3'), 4 laps in 5:14 (r. 90"), 2 laps in 2:29 Friday, Jan 20 AM: 5 miles steady through Elkridge in 32:40 PM: 5 miles steady thru Ft. McHenry in 33:05 + weights Saturday, Jan 21 2 miles, 4 x Wesley Ln. in 5:22, 4:57, 5:07, 4:51 (rec. 2') Sunday, Jan 22 AM: 4 miles easy on snowy trails in 33:05 PM: 6 miles steady with Perla on snowy trails in 43:35 Total 60 Miles

This Hurricane Is Chasing Us All Underground

15:43 - 5th Place Overall Monday, Jan 09 AM: 7 miles steady through Elkridge in 47:35 PM: Warm-up, 10 x 200m (rec. 200m) in 34-35-33-33-33-33-33-33-33-33 Tuesday, Jan 10 AM: 5 miles easy around Elkridge in 34:19 PM: 5 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 32:50 Wednesday, Jan 11 AM: 4 miles easy around Elkridge in 28:15 PM: 3 miles easy in 20:30, 4 mile tempo around Ft. McHenry in 20:51 Thursday, Jan 12 8 miles on muddy trails in Patapsco in 1:05:19 Friday, Jan 13 AM: 5 miles easy with Myers in Houston 40:00 PM: 4 miles easy out to Allen Parkway in 28:00 * Olympic Marathon Trials Predictions - 1. Ryan Hall runs away from the field, a la 2008 2. Dathan Ritzenhein has to stop 1-2 x to stretch but still finishes second 3. Mo Trafeh uses his experience at the '11 Houston Half to hold onto a fading third - Lehmkuhle, King, Meb all run strongly, but just not good enough on this day 1. Desi Davila breaks Shalane over the final 10km 2. Shalane shadows eve...

Commit to the Volume

Monday, 01/02/2012 AM: 7 miles steady down Rockburn Branch Park in 45:30 + strides PM: 4 miles into the wind around Ft. McHenry + weights Tuesday, 01/03/2012 2M in 11:44 (r. 3'), 2M in 10:53 (r. 3'), 1M in 5:07 (r. 90"), 1M in 5:05 * Absolutely crazy. 26 degrees with a 19-degrees wind-chill. It was freezing and I had very little energy. The 11mph wind didn't help, but I got out there in my spikes and on the first loop I was running on concrete! The ground was frozen and I was running like sh!t because of no traction or power. After seeing my mile split at 6:00, I opted to finish the loop, grab my flats and head to the track where I knocked out a 10:52. I then launched into a mile aiming for 5:15 and ran 5:07.  Wednesday, 01/04/2012 AM: 4 miles easy around Elkridge in 27:48 PM: 7 miles of torture with flared up ITBS in 55:00 Thursday, 01/05/2012 10 miles on trails in 1:05:58 + strides * Drove out to Road Runner Sports last night to pick up an ITB strap, which...