Running Event at the ATX

UA PLM's enjoying some Wild Game & Wine
Monday, 12/5/2011
6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 40:00
* Horrible run, had to stop repeatedy on this loop. Just out of shape after a week off of running. Ugh. I was basically intoxicated the entire run. Horrible. I want to say never again, but I know better.
Tuesday, 12/6/2011
2.1 mile warm-up, 4 mile progression in 21:30, 2.1 miles easy
* Long Reach Park (100% Grass, 1.92 mile loop), 57-degrees and rain... first loop in 10:29, second loop in 10:04.. absolutely amazed. I was barely moving on my warm-up, just achy and stiff, out of shape, no muscular coordination. I laced up my spikes, got down to the start line in the rain and started in my most natural environment - XC. I was working, but I was running well and hit the 1.03 mile marker in 5:35-ish and kept it well I and didn't know how well until I passed the 2M loop in 10:29... 10:29. Rolling, but could I keep it for another loop and drop the hammer? I was supposed to hit the first 2 miles in 5:45/mile pace and then drop to 5:30/mile pace, but I had started out at 5:30 pace. Anyway, I called upon all my experience and focus and pushed on. 10:04. I had nailed the workout. I cooled-down in the rain and enjoyed the effort given. I need a couple of months of this to be good again.
Wednesday, 12/7/2011
6 miles easy on treadmill in 42:00
Thursday, 12/8/2011
8 miles steady around Town Lake in 52:04 + Striders
Friday, 12/9/2011
3 miles out, then 3 miles back with 1 min on, 1 min off in 37:30
Saturday, 12/10/2011
8 miles steady around Town Lake in 51:51 + Striders
Sunday, 12/11/2011
10 miles steady around Elkridge in 1:03:13
52 Miles

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