Monday, 11/21/2011
AM: 4 miles steady around Elkridge in 27:17
PM: 4 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 27:17
* I know, one of those days... same time, same run. Crazy.
Tuesday, 11/22/2011
9 miles steady out to Patterson Park in the rain in 1:01:42
Wednesday, 11/23/2011
AM: 4 miles steady around Elkridge in 26:32
PM: 4 miles easy around Inner Harbor in 30:00 + 6 x 300m fast
Thursday, 11/24/2011
12 miles steady down to Patapsco in 1:18:12
Friday, 11/25/2011
AM: 4 miles steady thru Rockburn in 26:42
PM: 4 miles easy around Bellows Spring in 28:32
Saturday, 11/26/2011
AM: 20 min easy + 10 x 2' fast, rec. 2' steady in 58:22
* 5:18-6:30-5:27-6:10-5:19-6:29-5:14-6:33-5:03-6:44-5:06-6:55-5:24-6:48-5:32-6:43-5:33-8:49-5:15
PM: 4 miles easy around Bellows Springs in 27:22
Sunday, 11/27/2011
18.5 miles steady thru Ellicott City in 1:57:38
* Amazing long run. Laced up my flats, lubed up, and hit the road. I opted for a circuit thru Ellicott City, which would have me descending 4.5M in 31-min and then ascending nicely out of town to the 1hr mark. Since my goal was 2hr, I figured, well, might as well retrace my steps, which would mean ascending that 4.5M back home (29:57), so I had a nice negative split run of 1:00:03/57:35 over 18.6 miles of some serious hilly roads. No water, no gels, nada.
75 Miles

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