Set Fire to the Rain

Monday, 10-03-2011
6 miles steady out to Ft McHenry in 40:00
Tuesday, 10-04-2011
4 x (3 x 600m increasing pace, decreasing rest) 1:54 (r.2')-1:50 (1'40")-1:46 (1'20")-1:42 (1')
* 1:58.0-1:51.0-1:53.5, 1:49.9-1:49.3-1:49.5, 1:45.9-1:46.3-1:46.9, 1:43.3-1:44.6-1:45.0... amazing workout at UMBC. Felt like I was in college again, really working hard. That final set was difficult and wasn't able to squeeze out the seconds needed to hit my goal. It didn't help that it was tremendously windy. Very good workout, very good sign. Farah continues to be the inspiration, which I think is due to Salazar. I'll take it.
Wednesday, 10-05-2011
7 miles variation on Innovation Lab Treadmill in 50:00
* 8.5 mph with every 3 min, 45 sec at 4% incline
Thursday, 10-06-2011
4 miles recovery around the Inner Harbor in 32:21
Friday, 10-07-2011
9 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 53:58
* 6:41, 6:15, 6:11, 6:09, 5:49, 6:01, 6:02, 5:57, 6:01 (avg. 6:08/mile)... amazing. Just got out there in my coldblack shirt on a windy, warm day and just was ready to run. Was so devastated yesterday, that it felt great to click off some 5:45's and hammer through the streets of Baltimore. Great confidence booster.
Saturday, 10-08-2011
12 miles with 9 miles steady followed by 3.5 miles in 19:25; total time 1:17:13
* 7:10, 6:25, 6:17, 6:07, 6:13, 6:17, 10:18, 7:54, 7:31, 19:25 (5:32/mile) final 3.5 miles... pretty sweet. Went to the girls' soccer games and then decided to heat out at 11:30 or so with absolutely no energy. However, I mentally made myself attack this run, as I wanted 1hr + 6km tempo, so I hit up the perfect course... 5km uphill, 3km downhill, 2km flat, 6km trail, then 3km uphill followed by 2km rolling.. just sweet. Some depletion, falling apart, but it was worth it.
Sunday, 10-09-2011
9 miles trashed in Patapsco State Park in 1:06:10
55 Miles

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