
Showing posts from May, 2011

I'll Take It From Here

PSORE IN THE PSOAS - My Achilles Heel every time I complete a 50 KM Trail race... Monday, 05-30-2011 4 miles steady thru Rockburn in 27:55 * HR 146... alright, stupid decision of the year. Leg was feeling much better, then decided to run and it freaking hurt badly after and during the run. Ugh. Tuesday, 05-31-2011 Strengthening of Psoas Wednesday, 06-01-2011 ART Treatment with Dr. Bross Thursday, 06-02-2011 3 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 22:36 * HR 136/151... good improvement from last night's ART, but not 100% gone. Strength is back to 80% and pain is down to low digits, but I am not out of the woods yet. Have treatment again tomorrow to really nail this and then it will be a matter of slowly ramping up, nailing two major weeks of training and then tapering. I am still in a good place. Friday, 06-03-2011 AM: ART Treatment with Dr. Bross PM: 8 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 53:00 * HR 140... ugh.. not pretty. I was very comfortable, but the hip flexor was...

CCHS Athletic Hall of Fame


Continue the Momentum

Monday, 05-23-2011 Work, Rest, and Recovery Tuesday, 05-24-2011 3 miles recovery around Ft. McHenry in 25:28 * That's not a typo. 25:58 for 5 KM. That's all I had. I was depleted and just done. I probably should have run this yesterday so that today could have been a little more quality. I am not concerned, however, as my legs feel healthy and I should be good to go within 48 hrs. Wednesday, 05-25-2011 9.5 miles steady around Patterson Park in 58:26 + 6 x strides * Whoa, I was rolling. Today was that type of run which had no fatigue, no issues, just a bit of deep tiredness, but I was rolling well under 4-min/km without much effort. My stride was long and fluid. I felt Kenyan-like. Crazy. I keep thinking that it was probably from the second loop at Drity German where I mounted an effort to catch Gramsky and I really worked strongly for a good hour or so on muddy trails. Good stuff. Feeling good enough to attempt track work tomorrow. Thursday, 05-26-2011 20 min easy + 3 ...

Sales Meeting

Monday, 05-16-2011 4 miles easy, including 12 x 20sec fast, 40sec moderate in 29:01 Tuesday, 05-17-2011 6 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 40:08 Wednesday, 05-18-2011 3 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 20:13 Thursday, 05-19-2011 9 miles steady out to Patterson Park in 1:00:59 + 6 x strides * Finally got to get in a substantial run, as my Sales Meeting presentations came to a close last night. Obviously the most stressful (and important) time of the year as you have to perform, much like an Olympic Trials race. You perform great, you are recognized as an Olympian. You perform poorly and you are back on the street scraping for sponsors. Get it? Really nailed my presentations and am very pleased. Hopefully by next week I can get back into my routine, as I am feeling quite awkward, plus I have a weak left foot, which isn't helping much (fell off the stage!). Friday, 05-20-2011 6 miles including 6 x 800m at UMBC in 2:32, 2:29, 2:26, 2:28, 2:25, 2:24, jog 90 sec * Goal was...

West Coast Sales Trip

Monday, 05-09-2011 20 min easy, 4 x (2 min fast, 1 min easy, 1 min fast, 1 min easy...) * Woke up to a typical Seattle morning, grey and wet, but a crisp 50-degrees and it felt great in the NW air... had a really good effort in racing flats. Minimal fatigue, but it was a perfect workout volume based on yesterday's workload and the fact that I traveled all day.. Tuesday, 05-10-2011 7 miles easy on the Bay Area Trail in SFO in 50:05 Wednesday, 05-11-2011 13 miles up Jones Trail, up Limekiln Trail, and down Priest Rock Trail in 1:39:59 Nuts... I wanted to run this loop that I saw on a map, but once I got out there I started climbing, immediately, and once I hit Limekiln, I knew I had to change the plan. I summitted the mtn and had over 2,500ft of climbing. The descent was gnarly, as I was trying to stay controlled and not get injured. However, I was pleased at my climbing skills, never got in trouble and felt great the whole way. Had enough energy to finish strongly. One day wo...

The Big Apple

Monday, 05-02-2011 AM: 3 miles recovery around Ft. McHenry in 22:39 PM: 20 min easy, 3 miles of alt 200's in 17:38 * 47-40-47-39-46-38-47-39-48-39-50-39-49-39-48-38-48-38-48-39-50-40-51-41... left quad/IT band is just trashed. Was hoping it would warm-up, but it's just fried. Need recovery the next couple of days. Tuesday, 05-03-2011 Rest Wednesday, 05-04-2011 Rest Thursday, 05-05-2011 3 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 22:37 * Life is full of stupid decisions. After learning I made the US contingent for the Trail World Champs, I should have cancelled my track season. But, no, I was stubborn to get on the track and race a 5000m hard after a long drive and tiring day. My left leg was weak and caused my IT-Band to strain. So, now I am dealing with the consequences and beating myself up. At least it's not terrible and I feel I am able to get back to training. We will find out tomorrow when I have a hilly 45-minutes. Today felt pretty good, perhaps 90% and just weak. ...