This Is War

Monday, 10-25-2010
5 miles relaxed around Ft. McHenry in 34:03
6:47, 6:37, 6:35, 6:25, 6:01 (avg. 6:34 pace); last .46 in  2:45
Tuesday, 10-26-2010
6 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 40:11
6:55, 6:51, 6:32, 6:35, 6:48, 6:07 (avg. 6:40 pace); last .45 in 2:46
Wednesday, 10-27-2010
4 miles steady out to Ft. McHenry (x 2) in 24:44
6:21, 6:33 (avg. 6:11 pace); last .45 in 2:35 CR; 157/173 HR
Thursday, 10-28-2010
9.5 miles hilly around Patterson Park in 1:01:40
6:48, 6:47, 6:36, 6:52, 6:12, 6:19, 6:42, 6:12, 6:09 (avg. 6:29); HR 154/170 
Friday, 10-29-2010
7 miles around Ft. McHenry in 45:42
6:49, 6:46, 6:40, 6:37, 6:36, 6:31, 6:36, 6:03 (avg. 6:37); HR 148/167
Saturday, 10-30-2010
10 miles hilly down Landing in 1:04:41
7:00, 6:40, 6:34, 6:28, 7:06, 7:24, 6:57, 6:27, 6:18, 5:57
Sunday, 10-31-2010

* So here's the update. I have had a serious anterior shin splint issue since Blues Cruise that has finally cleared up. The issue is that I have missed 3 weeks of running and have 4 weeks until the largest 50M in the country. My Coach, Howard Nippert, is not letting me off the hook, and so we will continue to press on towards this goal, as I am the one that approached him about it. Anyway, I am not concerned about cardio fitness, I am concerned about ligametns and tendons and bones for 50 hard miles in less than 4 weeks. I have to be 100% committed these next couple of weeks and then will go on the longest run of my life.

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