The Levies are Breaking

Monday, 04-19-2010
1H01'06" around Patterson Park + Gym ~ 16km
Tuesday, 04-20-2010
1H28'27 at 4'05/15" per km around Patterson Park ~ 21km
Wednesday, 04-21-2010
Rest ~ 1km
Thursday, 04-22-2010
AM: 30' + 6 x 400 in 1'16", r. 1' + 6 x 300 in 51", r. 1' x 2 (1H25' total) ~ 15km
1'13"-1'13"-1'15"-1'14"-1'14"-1'15", 54"-52"-53"-52"-51"-52"
1'12"-1'13"-1'13"-1'15"-1'15"-1'16", 51"-52"-51"-51"-51"-52"
PM: 30' on Eden Treadmill ~ 6km
Friday, 04-23-2010
1H20'03" around Patterson Park ~ 18km
Saturday, 04-24-2010
48'49" + tecnica + 8 x 100 ~ 12km
Sunday, 04-25-2010
30' + Pike's Peek 10K in 33:57 ~ 16km
104km (64 Miles)

* Amazing first day of work... it was a whirlwind, so I decided to attack my run this morning, fueled mostly by losing badly to some Pacers at the Earth Day 5K. Just need to work harder, on all fronts. Was introduced to Kevin Plank today in the Humble and Hungry cafe... it was a humbling experience, and an honor.

* Well, I learned my lesson. I was so motivated to train harder, I killed myself yesterday and had nothing today, except for the last half hour, when my body woke up. These hills are tough, but they will only make me stronger. Need to start waking up at 5:30AM and getting out the door by 6AM.

* Well, woke up at 5:30AM, got out the door before 6AM and my right quad was just not cooperating. It was very tight and felt strained, like a muscle pull, so after a couple stop-and-gos, I called it a morning and went to the gym to ensure health for my speed workout tomorrow. We shall see... UPDATE: will not be returning to that track by Johns Hopkins. My brother in-law, Ivan Vela, was shot multiple times in Louisiana this morning in a robbery attempt, and I have promised my wife that I will practice prudence and trust my instincts. Road Track for now..

* Great decision to rest yesterday. My quad started off a bit tight (more upper hip flexor due to downhill control/landing), but at race pace, I am fluid and no pain. Great workout, felt in control, felt strong, never really in danger or taxed. Will take it. Thigh was tight once again on return home. May opt for treadmill this evening.

* Thanks to Monday's hammer due to being uber-motivated, I have been absolutely trashed every day. It's the downward-spiral cycle of training that once you set it off, you need complete rest to recover. Thankfully, I had a great speed session early in the week, but ever since, my quads have been trash, just sensitive to the touch and every movement. I got through these last couple of days of training and am now resting, but perhaps for naught, as major storms are going to hit tonight and on race morning in Rockville. Awaiting the green light from my Coach. It's going to be nasty, but I have no issues making the 1H drive race morning, in the rain. Just will give me more of a fighting chance.

* Don't know what to tell you, other than minimal improvement in a week since the Earth Day 5K. What I do know is that I lost a lot during my battle with injury, especially in the quad/hamstring region. I am just unable to lock into a fast pace, confidently, for any period of time. Case in point, I started out well, 5:15-ish, but then just maintained, had a miserable 2.5 miles of fighting tightness, recovered, and then had an absolutely great final 2 miles, with an amazing final 600 meters. I was flying and rolling, covered at least 65-sec for the final 400m in a nice kick to pass a large group of 8-10 guys that ended up running 34'-34'10". Horrible, however, in that I lost to a Master which I beat by over 30-seconds in last week's 5K. He passed me at 2 miles and just kept going. Anyway, will build from here. Much better than in 2009, when I opened with 34:29 at Conoco. I am glad I made the effort, as my quads were trashed all week and they actually feel better now, post-race, than pre-race. Figuring I left my race on the roads with my 400/300 workout. 

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