Serious Racing
Monday, 08-31-2009
Drills + 12 Min. Warm-Down (2M)
Tuesday, 09-01-2009
12 Min. Warm-Up, 12 Min. Cool-Down (7M)
18 x 200M in 32.1 Sec. with 2:00 Min. Walk
31.5, 31.9, 32.3, 32.3, 32.5, 32.3, 32.3, 32.0, 32.4,
32.2, 31.5, 32.2, 31.7, 32.0, 32.4, 32.6, 32.0, 32.2
Wednesday, 09-02-2009
AM: 72 Min. steady (last 1.2M, 7:06) to Pine Gully (11M)
PM: 48 Min. steady to Morgan's Point (7M)
Thursday, 09-03-2009
16 Min. Warm-Up; 24 Min. Cool-Down (10M)
6 x 800M in 2:22, 2:18, 2:19, 2:19, 2:20, 2:20 with 4 Min. Rest
Friday, 09-04-2009
48 Min. recovery around Norman, OK (7M)
Saturday, 09-05-2009
16 Min. Warm-Up; 18 Min. Cool-Down (9M)
Brookhaven Run 5K in 16:12
3:09, 6:18 (3:08), 12:55 (6:36), 3:07
Sunday, 09-06-2009
60 Min. steady with Rudy and Chad at Seabrook (9M)
62 Miles
* Guess I have to say I was quite surprised at my 200m speed on Tuesday's workout... one thing is for sure, I was blessed to have the track by myself and blessed to have such wonderful weather conducive to running such a workout comfortably. Still have a very tight right hip and I don't feel that I am balanced yet, but am doing the work to make it happen.
* Bittersweet work lately... I hit a great 11M on Wednesday, clocking 5:52 miles for the majority of the run on tired legs, then came back with a solid negative-split PM run, but I knew the damage was done for the 6 x 800m workout, which I knew the pace would give me a challenge. 2:12-2:15 is rolling for me, even in my prime. Had to battle PE kids and that threw off my pace and energies, but battled through the workout and averaged 2:19, which I will take. Good workout on tired legs... now the long drive to Norman for a tired race...
* Well, horribly long drive to Norman, but it went well. Spent the whole day today working, predominantly on the sales floor of OK Runner, fitting customers for running shoes. Dinner went nicely with Gus Thompson, a great guy. The seed # 1 is 2:27 Marathoner, Jerry Faulkner, but the true seed, in my opinion, is Kenyan Stephen Ariga. I am expected a solid, painful effort to reach my goals, but the effort will be there if my legs are fluid, and they are feeling it tonight. Will get some nice rest, as I need to wake up at 5AM to set up the race tent and table, pre-race... Gun is 8:05AM. 3 Min. kilos? That's the goal...
* Abort... had nothing. Drive killed me and my lower back/hips, causing my left quad to tighten and not function after 2km... just toughed it out to earn $75 and finish up. Truly disappointing, as I was in shape to earn about $300-400 bucks at this race. Oh well, figured this might occur, as it's happened in the past. Anyway, coach reassessed, let my glutes settle (on fire!) after my drive home and only hit 60 Min. on the long run, which was a great decision.
Drills + 12 Min. Warm-Down (2M)
Tuesday, 09-01-2009
12 Min. Warm-Up, 12 Min. Cool-Down (7M)
18 x 200M in 32.1 Sec. with 2:00 Min. Walk
31.5, 31.9, 32.3, 32.3, 32.5, 32.3, 32.3, 32.0, 32.4,
32.2, 31.5, 32.2, 31.7, 32.0, 32.4, 32.6, 32.0, 32.2
Wednesday, 09-02-2009
AM: 72 Min. steady (last 1.2M, 7:06) to Pine Gully (11M)
PM: 48 Min. steady to Morgan's Point (7M)
Thursday, 09-03-2009
16 Min. Warm-Up; 24 Min. Cool-Down (10M)
6 x 800M in 2:22, 2:18, 2:19, 2:19, 2:20, 2:20 with 4 Min. Rest
Friday, 09-04-2009
48 Min. recovery around Norman, OK (7M)
Saturday, 09-05-2009
16 Min. Warm-Up; 18 Min. Cool-Down (9M)
Brookhaven Run 5K in 16:12
3:09, 6:18 (3:08), 12:55 (6:36), 3:07
Sunday, 09-06-2009
60 Min. steady with Rudy and Chad at Seabrook (9M)
62 Miles
* Guess I have to say I was quite surprised at my 200m speed on Tuesday's workout... one thing is for sure, I was blessed to have the track by myself and blessed to have such wonderful weather conducive to running such a workout comfortably. Still have a very tight right hip and I don't feel that I am balanced yet, but am doing the work to make it happen.
* Bittersweet work lately... I hit a great 11M on Wednesday, clocking 5:52 miles for the majority of the run on tired legs, then came back with a solid negative-split PM run, but I knew the damage was done for the 6 x 800m workout, which I knew the pace would give me a challenge. 2:12-2:15 is rolling for me, even in my prime. Had to battle PE kids and that threw off my pace and energies, but battled through the workout and averaged 2:19, which I will take. Good workout on tired legs... now the long drive to Norman for a tired race...
* Well, horribly long drive to Norman, but it went well. Spent the whole day today working, predominantly on the sales floor of OK Runner, fitting customers for running shoes. Dinner went nicely with Gus Thompson, a great guy. The seed # 1 is 2:27 Marathoner, Jerry Faulkner, but the true seed, in my opinion, is Kenyan Stephen Ariga. I am expected a solid, painful effort to reach my goals, but the effort will be there if my legs are fluid, and they are feeling it tonight. Will get some nice rest, as I need to wake up at 5AM to set up the race tent and table, pre-race... Gun is 8:05AM. 3 Min. kilos? That's the goal...
* Abort... had nothing. Drive killed me and my lower back/hips, causing my left quad to tighten and not function after 2km... just toughed it out to earn $75 and finish up. Truly disappointing, as I was in shape to earn about $300-400 bucks at this race. Oh well, figured this might occur, as it's happened in the past. Anyway, coach reassessed, let my glutes settle (on fire!) after my drive home and only hit 60 Min. on the long run, which was a great decision.