Fundamental Period (Wk. I & Wk. II)

Monday, 05-18-2009
Rest from Volcan Pacaya
Tuesday, 05-19-2009
AM: Travel
PM: 42:49 easy around Sylvan Beach + 4 x Exercises at LPHS ~ 6M
Wednesday, 05-20-2009
AM: 1:21:56 progression on the Seabrook Trails ~ 12M
PM: 27:58 easy + 6km uphill in 23:16 (51:15 total) ~ 7M
Thursday, 05-21-2009
48:47 easy regeneration out to Morgan's Point (25:28/23:19) ~ 7M
Friday, 05-22-2009
AM: 26:55 warm-up + 4 x circuits ~ 4M
PM: 54:58 easy regeneration around Norbuck Park ~ 8M
Saturday, 05-23-2009
55:30 short variations of speed (2:30 easy, :30 fast) ~ 8M
Sunday, 05-24-2009
3 miles easy in 20:00 + @ 12km fast in 41:56 (1:01:56) ~ 10M
63 Miles

Monday, 5-25-2009
AM: 10 miles easy with Chad at Seabrook in 1:06:31
PM: 4 miles easy around Sylvan Beach in 26:55 + 8 x 80m strides
Tuesday, 5-26-2009
AM: 3 miles (22 min) + 8/6/4/2/1 min fast, rec. 2 min for 51:03 (8M)
PM: 4 miles easy at Jenkins Park with Rudy in 29:26
Wednesday, 5-27-2009
12 miles steady around the Seabrook Trails in 1:18:17
Thursday, 5-28-2009
AM: 5 mles easy regeneration around Seabrook Trails in 35:09
PM: 5 miles easy regeneration around Jenkins with Rudy in 35:14
Friday, 5-29-2009
AM: 10 miles easy regeneration on Kemah Bridge in 1:09:40
PM: 3 miles easy around Sylvan Beach in 20:16 + 4 barefoot circuits (4M)
Saturday, 5-30-2009
AM: 10 mile fartlek (30" every 3') with Rudy at Seabrook in 1:04:18
PM: 4 miles easy with Rudy around Sylvan Beach in 28:45
Sunday, 5-31-2009
3 miles easy in 24:18 + 7M tempo in 40:17 (5:45 pace) for 1:04:35 [10M]
86 Miles

* And so I have had a breakthrough in my training, not on the physical side, but on the philosophy and theory of training for my current state of life. I had fallen into the trap of wanting to copy the schedules of the elites, something I have been guily of my entire career. This has left me unmotivated and uninspired, as with my current workload and family commitments, I am unable to operate at that level any longer. Plus, I realized that minutes were not inspiring... only mileage inspires me to train. And so, I have adjusted my future schedules to miles and will be taking on a reduced training load, which will in turn, mean more running!

So, in the past I would plan a 90 mile week and only be able to run about 7o of the miles. Now, I will plan an 80m week and run the 80 miles because it is mentally digestable! Mentally digestable training means motivational training. Motivational training leads to inspiration.

Now, if I can lose the 5-7 lbs I have gained living the wealthy American lifestyle, resume my core routine, and become as spartan as possible within my familial comfines, I will resume successful running.

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