Let the Body Absorb

Monday, 3-23-2009
55:04 easy on the Kemah Bridge ~ 8M
Tuesday, 3-24-2009
49:20 steady around Seabrook + 10 x 100m uphill ~ 9M
Wednesday, 3-25-2009
58:12 moderate out to the Kemah Bridge ~ 10M
Thursday, 3-26-2009
36:08 easy around Walnut Creek Park ~ 5M
Friday, 3-27-2009
55:22 easy around McAllister Park ~ 8M
Saturday, 3-28-2009
AM: Warm-up + Eikenburg Law Week 8K in 26:43
5:28, 11:05 (5:36), 16:21 (5:16), 21:39 (5:18), 5:03
PM: 25 min easy + 6 x 1'30" uphill, rec. 3 min ~ 6M
1:34, 1:30, 1:27, 1:26, 1:26, 1:27
Sunday, 3-29-2009
49:54 easy around Jenkins Park with Rudy ~ 7M
61 Miles

* Alright, an update... training is improving, although I am dealing with a psoas issue on my right hip that has me stretching and working on a plank routine from Brent Vaughn, along with the Big XII, so I am improving in fitness daily. Law Week will be a challenge, and the goal will be a sub-26 min performance...

* Basically, whatever. I have a lot of work (running) to do. I can no longer get by on 50-70M per week on singles and need to really get going. On Monday I transition to my 7-week push for the Medio Maraton de Coban and that is going to help me put in the much-needed miles. Hopefully, I can crank out a couple of good races (Bellaire and LP Run) to position me for the HARRA Spring Series win, but at this point, I would just love a sub-15:30 5K.

Today's race (Law Week 8K) was a disaster, as it was tremendously windy and cold. The field was diluted, and I figured it might be an easy "W", depending on how good Lara was feeling, and he was feeling strong. He took it out hard, I followed solo in pursuit. A surprisingly slow 5:28 into a headwind woke me up and I worked to catch Lara, but we only passed Mile 2 in 5:36! I was furious and took the lead until the turnaround, but Lara regained the lead and gapped me. I worked back to catch him by 3M, but I was already having leg death and running crooked. I kept working, however, as my left quad was just not functioning properly. I hit a 5:16 and felt confident, and worked again for a 5:18, figuring I had put the race out of reach, but with 600m remaining in downtown, Lara came up on my shoulder and I had to launch into a vicious, out-of-control kick which sealed the deal at 26:43. Whew.

Two HARRA Series victories this Spring is quite nice. I'll take it and run..

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