Let's See if this is Real

Tuesday, 02-24-2009
1 hr 36:43 steady on the Seabrook Trails ~ 14M
Wednesday, 02-25-2009
1 hr 19:28 easy around Seabrook + 10 x 100m uphill ~ 13M
Thursday, 02-26-2009
1 hr 10:23 steady out to the Kemah Bridge ~ 11M
Friday, 02-27-2009
46:54 easy around the Seabrook Trails with Chad ~ 7M
Saturday, 02-28-2009
20 min warm-up + ConocoPhillips Rodeo Run 10km in 34:24
5:13, ?, 16:16, 17:04 - 5km, 22:25 (6:09), 28:01 (5:35), 33:19 (5:18), 1:04
Sunday, 03-01-2009
1 hr 28:50 with mid/last 2M at 5:35 pace w/ Rudy and Chad ~ 13M
Monday, 03-02-2009
1 hr 08:19 easy at personal sensation at Huntsville State Park ~ 10M
78 Miles

* Alright, from the onset of this training week, I realized that I would not be able to handle the workload, physically and mentally. However, I did have great runs on Tue-Thu, but felt pretty crappy on Friday, cutting my run in half. Will run Conoco moreso for a the need of a workout, than a race effort, however, I still would like to run 33:00-33:30 for the effort. I will then head up to Austin for a progression and San Antonio will host my long run, as I plan to work through the weekend. Not sure if I will feel up to par for the 23km hilly progression...

Well, the body is trashed after the 10km effort... actually, felt great the day after, but then drove to Huntsville for my long run and had to abort just because I was completely tired and legs had nothing. Need to run with what I have... oh well, I guess I am reeling from the quick jump in volume in my recovery from pneumonia... looking forward to the up-coming weeks.

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