Sunny MIA

Monday, 12-22-2008
AM: 50 min steady on the Kendall Canal ~ 8M
PM: 40:29 easy on the Kendall Canal ~ 6M
Tuesday, 12-23-2008
AM: 38:53 easy on the Kendall Canals ~ 6M
PM: 15 min easy to MDCC (Track under Construction) ~ 2M
Wednesday, 12-24-2008
20 min warm-up, ~ 6M
2 x (4 x 600m) in 1:50-1:46-1:42-1:38
rec. of 2:00-1:40-1:20 & 5 min
1:53, 1:45, 1:42, 1:40 / 1:50, 1:46, 1:43, 1:39
Thursday, 12-25-2008
49:24 easy around Kendall + exercises ~ 7M
Friday, 12-26-2008
AM: 1:25:10 easy around Kendall ~ 12M
PM: 35:05 easy around the Hammocks with Eduardo + 2000m in 5:58
71-2:24-3:36-4:47-71 ~ 6M
Saturday, 12-27-2008
AM: 50:55 easy on the Kendall Canals + 12 x 100m uphill ~ 8M
PM: 51:59 easy on the Kendall Canals ~ 7M
Sunday, 12-28-2008
54:52 fast + 6km tempo in 22:13 for 1:17:05 total ~ 12M
80 Miles

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