Tired, but Gotta Get Going

Monday, 9-22-2008
AM: 48:32 easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
PM: 47:47 jogging around the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
Tuesday, 9-23-2008
Wednesday, 9-24-2008
45:51 steady around the Seabrook Trails,
8 x 100m uphill ~ 8M
Thursday, 9-25-2008
54:01 out to the Kemah Bridge ~ 8M
Friday, 9-26-2008
47:24 easy around the Seabrook Trails,
8 x 100m uphill ~ 8M
Saturday, 9-27-2008
20 min warm-up,
HARRA XC Relay 2M in 10:05
4:56 / 5:09 * Fastest Overall Split of the Day
Sunday, 9-28-2008
2 hr, last 30 min fast (3M split, 17:50) throughout Memorial Park ~ 18M
60 Miles

* Finally something to write about... I decided to be a mercenary and join the Tornados, a local running club in Houston primarily comprised of crazy Mexicans. They have been wanting my wife and I to be members for years now, but the timing was never right, and now it is, and I teamed up with Abel Zavala, Joe Oviedo, and Joe Amburm to take on the Luke's Locker teams.

Warm-up was horrible. I had to stop at the Mile and stretch. I was feeling miserable and the 89-degree heat did not help. Add to that that the team elected me the lead-off, a position I did not want, as I am not fit and it would be embarassing. However, leading off ended up being the best thing for me, for I was fit to race, instead of settling for just being in the race.

I was in about 6th place at the 800m mark, but soon realized that I was in contact with the leaders and if I ran right, I could bring the baton in a surprise first. Sure enough, by 1200m, I surged into the lead and hammered. I had to gap the field. I had to gap the Luke's runner that had given me a run at the Rice All-Comer's 3000m. For a bit, I felt I was done for, he was just going to draft and kill me... he's been racing well. However, by 1.25 miles, I had a gap and I had to press... I have to say, I am quite the XC runner, able to use the course to my advantage. It was tremendously hilly, tremendously hot, and tremendously sandy. The killer was on the hill that you basically have to walk up, once I got to the top, I took off to get out of sight and out of mind. Mission accomplished.

The race ended up great, as Amburm held off Luis Armenteros for the win. Beautiful race to earn our sombreros and make the Tornados proud. Add to that that I had the fastest split of the day (Adam Davis, 10:13 / Luis, 10:25), and I am quite pleased with my performance. Now, I will see if I can get out the door for my 2 hours...

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