Change of Direction

And so, after final review, I have decided to not run Twin Cities this Fall. The Houston climate does not allow for a proper training environment. Over the last couple of weeks, I have just felt completely beaten down and destroyed, when, in fact, I should be gaining strength off of a couple great training weeks (98M/96M), but it is not to be.

I will still have a peak effort that weekend. As of right now, I will commit to the Oklahoma State Jamboree Classic, a very challenging 8km race in Stillwater, OK. I will then do some stepping-stone races at the 10M-25K distance before finally transitioning to a 9WK focus for the ING Miami Marathon in January.

So here is the plan:

Aug. 11 to Oct. 5
Squires SWEP Training
Oct. 6 to Nov. 23
Squires Marathon Prep
Nov. 24 to Jan 25
Canova 9Wk FC Marathon Specificity

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