Shami Marathon Prep (WK 13)

Monday, 7-07-2008
54:26 hard with Jacob on Merrifield ~ 9M
(7:36, 6:41, 6:01, 5:47, 5:47, 5:55, 5:47, 5:44, 5:37)
Tuesday, 7-08-2008
49:08 easy with Jake + 10 x 100m uphill strides ~ 8M
Wednesday, 7-09-2008
AM: 48:17 easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
PM: 50:43 easy around Seabrook with Rudy ~ 7M
Thursday, 7-10-2008
AM: 57:19 moderate over the Kemah Bridge ~ 9M
PM: 50:07 easy on the Seabrook Trails ~ 7M
Friday, 7-11-2008
AM: 10 km in 38:48 + 5 x 1000m in 3:23, 3:19, 3:19, 3:20, 3:20
rec. 1:30 total, 1 hr 12:01 ~ 11M
PM: 10 km in 36:12 ~ 7M
Saturday, 7-12-2008
40:00 easy looping around Jenkins Park w/ Rudy ~ 5M
Sunday, 7-13-2008
1 hr 13:09 recovery around White Rock Lake ~ 10M
80 Miles

* Started the week with a nasty run with Jake on Merrifield that gave me tremendous confidence and mechanical efficiency. I then put in some good miles before attempting my first Special Block of training on Friday, which went quite well for the most part. The AM's 10 km run was steady and strong, nailing 38:48 even, and then running a great 5 x 1 km session with no real issues. However, in the PM, I employed Rudy Rocha to pace me through the opening 10 km run in 38:00 before attempting the second 10 km in 34:40. The temperature was in the 90's and humidity high, but I dropped an amazingly fluid 36:12 to drop Rudy by 28 sec over the course and basically blew my chances of a special block, as I did not try to attempt the second 10 km for fear of failure and injury... a great day of training nonetheless..

* Just not recovered by my planned Sunday long run at the Lake... was hoping for 31 km in 2 hr + , but could barely cover a loop at 7 min pace. Will postpone until Monday and hopefully come around mid-week. Once again, another tough week of mileage. Was on pace for 100 miles + but unable to close the deal. Just keep pressing.

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