Settle Down & Train

Monday, 6-09-2008
40'11" + 12 x 100m uphill ~ 7M
Tuesday, 6-10-2008
20 min warm-up, 4 x 600m (rec. 2') in 1'46"/1'44"/1'45"/1'41", 4 x 200m (rec. 2') in 31"/30"/32"/30", 4 x 500m (rec. 2') in 1'24"/1'24"/1'24"/1'22", 4 x 300m (rec. 2') in 49"/49"/51"/47" (rec. 5/6 min) ~ 66" Average!
Wednesday, 6-11-2008
38'21" easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 5M
Thursday, 6-12-2008
AM: 1 hr progressive (last 15 min hard) around Town Lake ~ 9M
PM: 39'27" easy around the Seabrook Trails ~ 6M
Friday, 6-15-2008
AM: 59'22" moderate in the rain around Seabrook ~ 9M
PM: 39'52" easy on the Trails with the Guys ~ 6M
Saturday, 6-14-2008
20 min warm-up, 3000m in 9'22" + 2000m in 6'16", 1500m in 4'31", 1000m in 2'55", 500m in 1'23" (rec. 6 min) ~ 8M
Sunday, 6-15-2008
AM: 49'22" moderate around Seabrook with the Guys ~ 8M
PM: 48'21" recovery with Rudy at Jenkins Park ~ 7M
72 Miles

* Was virtually saved on a couple of occasions earlier this week. For example, after Monday's run and stride session, I was feeling some tightness and pain in my left groin. Rather than complete my 50 min run in the PM, I had to attend a birthday party for my friend's son, which happened to be a pool party, and after some swimming with my daughters, the groin loosened up. Then, on Tuesday, the dreaded workout with Rudy... I decided to put it off until the afternoon so that I could run it with Rudy in cooler temps, but I had a full day of work in front of me. Anyway, the workout started and I had very little pop, speed, or coordination, but I had strength. I powered away, and was having a stellar workout until Rudy pulled the plug (over-heated) and then we got kicked off the track at 8PM! I had a chance to run my final 4 x 400m set in 66-66-66-62", but for the sake of being a teammate, agreed to end it on a great note. I was running 30" two hundreds without much effort! Amazing, and in 90-degree heat and humidity at that! Anyway, I don't feel too guilty for not completing the workout, as I had a great one going and will try and nail Friday's....

* Tough workout on Saturday with Rudy. I definitely ran too hard on Friday morning in the heat for 1 hr, and then doubled and spent the evening in the pool with the family, which led to my over-sleeping the workout. Thankfully, Rudy was patient and we hit the track. The 3000 was slow to start, hitting 77" through the quarter. I rolled at 5' for 1600m and then started on 74's, but with a weak left hammy. 9'22" was a nice surprise in the weather. The 2K was nice as well, as I was under pace with 74"-2'28"-3'45"-5' before falling off a little. The 1500 was tough as nails. I hit 72"-2'24"-3'37" and then just ran the life out of me. The 1km was solid, as I felt good and hit 69"-2'20" to finish strongly. The 500m I actually felt my muscles working. It's like the whole workout I had eaten away at my glycogen and fuel to finally get my muscles involved and rolled through 67"... quite nice. Not 14'15" shape, but close enough. Sub-15 min in Mexico is going to be a challenge, but I am up for it. The question now is if I run another workout on Monday night, Tuesday morning, or just get more recovery... Hmm..

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