Getting Back on the Train

Monday, 4-28-2008 57'52" moderate through The Reserve ~ 9M Tuesday, 4-29-2008 AM: 20' warm-up, ~ 8M 3 x 2000m alt. 71"/83", recovery 5 min 71"/82"/71"/85"/71" (6'23") 71"/86"/71"/84"/69" (6'24") 70"/83"/71"/86"/71" (6'23") PM: 44'28" easy around Kennesaw Mtn ~ 7M Wednesday, 4-30-2008 AM: 52'03" easy through The Reserve ~ 8M PM: 52'33" easy reverse through The Reserve ~ 8M Thursday, 5-01-2008 AM: 39'58" + 10 x 100m sprint uphill ~ 6M PM: 1 hr 08'42" with short variations (10 x 1' fast, 2' easy) ~ 10M Friday, 5-02-2008 39'25" easy through The Reserve Short ~ 6M Saturday, 5-03-2008 AM: Big Peach 5K in 15:23 ~ 6M 4:50, 9:51 (5:00), 14:55 (5:03), :28 PM: 30 min easy + 3 x 2000m in 6:26, 6:34, 6:33 recovery 4 min jogging ~ 9M Sunday, 5-04-2008 47'52" with the ATC down Kennesaw Mtn. ~ 7M Total 84 Mi...