Getting Tough

Monday, 3-24-2008
9 Miles Easy through The Reserve in 56:54
Tuesday, 3-25-2008
3 Mile Warm-Up, 4 x 100m Strides
2 x 2 Miles in 10:38 & 10:49 (5' Jog Rest)
Jog Mile in 7:29 + 8 x 100m Quick Strides
9 Miles Total
Wednesday, 3-26-2008
AM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 33:40
PM: 8 Miles Easy through The Reserve in 51:08
Thursday, 3-27-2008
2 Mile Aggressive Warm-Up, 4 x 100m Strides
6 x 1000m in 3:04, 3:03, 3:04, 3:05, 3:03, 3:07, Jog 1:20 Rest,
Jog Mile in 7:39, 8 x 100m Strides (73.6 Average)
Friday, 3-28-2008
AM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 34:59
PM: 7 Miles Easy around Monte Sano in 48:19, 8 x 100m Strides
Saturday, 3-29-2008
10.5 Miles Easy around Monte Sano White Loop (x3) in 1:14:04
Sunday, 3-30-2008
2 Miles in 12:24, 2 Miles in 10:56 (5:31/5:25), jog mile in 7:20,
9 Miles Easy through The Reserve in 56:54
Tuesday, 3-25-2008
3 Mile Warm-Up, 4 x 100m Strides
2 x 2 Miles in 10:38 & 10:49 (5' Jog Rest)
Jog Mile in 7:29 + 8 x 100m Quick Strides
9 Miles Total
Wednesday, 3-26-2008
AM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 33:40
PM: 8 Miles Easy through The Reserve in 51:08
Thursday, 3-27-2008
2 Mile Aggressive Warm-Up, 4 x 100m Strides
6 x 1000m in 3:04, 3:03, 3:04, 3:05, 3:03, 3:07, Jog 1:20 Rest,
Jog Mile in 7:39, 8 x 100m Strides (73.6 Average)
Friday, 3-28-2008
AM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 34:59
PM: 7 Miles Easy around Monte Sano in 48:19, 8 x 100m Strides
Saturday, 3-29-2008
10.5 Miles Easy around Monte Sano White Loop (x3) in 1:14:04
Sunday, 3-30-2008
2 Miles in 12:24, 2 Miles in 10:56 (5:31/5:25), jog mile in 7:20,
8 x 100m, 2 Miles in 10:56 (5:31/5:25), 3.5 Mile Warm-Down in 21:57
11 Miles Total in 1:16:15
73 Miles
* Two things this week: I finally nailed a workout and I finally made a wise decision. First, the workout I'm talking about was run on Saturday. My early week 2 x 2 Mile was a disaster and quite embarassing, but my right quad was not cooperating. My mid-week 6 x 1K was also a bit of a disappointment, as my right glute/back was tight and shutting down as the workout progressed. Saturday's workout was just right. The goal was 2M + 2M in 11:05 + 1M + 8 x 100m Strides + 2M in 11:05 + 3.5 Miles. I amazingly negatively split, exactly, a couple of 10:56's, running very strong and in-control. I even hammered the warm-up and pushed the cool-down. Strides were strong, but quite limited due to my natural speed. But the best part was starting the second 2M, thinking it would be a bomb, and jogging an 80-second opening quarter! The strides did wonders for my rhythm.
The wise decision was in deciding to bail on the ING Georgia Half Marathon. I was beat. Emotionally and physically drained from working the past couple of days. Plus, I did not arrive until 10:30PM Saturday night from Huntsville and decided to sleep in and get some rest and prepare for the workout, which went great.
Next week is Florida Relays, and I have set a goal for myself of 15:16. We shall see...
The wise decision was in deciding to bail on the ING Georgia Half Marathon. I was beat. Emotionally and physically drained from working the past couple of days. Plus, I did not arrive until 10:30PM Saturday night from Huntsville and decided to sleep in and get some rest and prepare for the workout, which went great.
Next week is Florida Relays, and I have set a goal for myself of 15:16. We shall see...