Continuation on a Beautiful Morning

MARATHON LEVEL 19-21, Week 13 of 15

Monday, 10-01-2007
AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:10:11
PM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 44:47
Tuesday, 10-02-2007
AM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in @ 1:08:00
PM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 38:19
Wednesday, 10-03-2007
AM: 2 Mile Warm-Up in 14:00, 5 x 100M Strides
4 x 1M in 4:52, 4:49, 4:52, 4:51 with 4.5' Recovery
1.5 Mile Cool-Down in 13:29
9 Miles Total in 1:04:58
PM: 5 Miles Easy around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 35:40
Thursday, 10-04-2007
AM: 6 Miles Relaxed around Kennesaw Mtn. Loop in 39:38
PM: 10 Miles Relaxed around Pigeon Hill in 1:09:38
Friday, 10-05-2007
10 Miles Easy around Pigeon Hill in 1:08:30
Saturday, 10-06-2007
AM: 5 Miles Easy around Shelby Farms in 33:40
PM: 2 Mile Warm-Up, 5 x 100M Strides
Memphis Twilight Classic 8K in 24:32.66
4:38, 14:18, 10:13 last 1.97
1.5 Mile Cool-Down
Sunday, 10-07-2007
10 Miles Relaxed around Shelby Farms in 1:10:08
96 Miles

* Week has started off great, other than a strained left calf/soleus that is behaving itself (my shoe came untied at the 3.5M mark, thus causing excessive stress at Auburn). I've been wearing a compression sleeve and saw Robin today, so I am optimistic it will heal. Also, I ran a great 4 x 1M workout that was completely strong and fluid, perhaps the best running of my life. I have a lot of travelling this weekend, with a race scheduled, but I think I'll be able to race it decently. If anything, I need a strong 8K tempo at Marathon Pace or better.

* And so, I'm in Memphis, finally ran race-morning sans compression sleeve and calf felt okay, if not a bit tight and cramped. Will make a decision tonight whether to race with the sleeve or without. I have also finalized next week, as I have a mileage drop and an MP workout, as well as Great American. Tonight should be fun, although I know I have horrible vision and run quite poorly in the dark (race kicks-off at 8:50PM), but it would be very nice to run another strong 24-minute effort before entering my taper. That's it from here...

* Ugh. Well, ended up being quite a muggy night with temperatures in the mid-80's. I first worked the floor of the local Fleet Feet in the morning, and then set up and manned my booth from 2-8PM in the heat and humidity, hydrating best I could, but not really able to stay off my feet. Needless to say, that by race time I was quite tired, but ready to run, as I am quite fit.

I started out quite well, moved up very quickly, but there was no way I was going to catch Rono and the lead pack of Africans, as they must have gone out in the mid-4:20's, as I rolled comfortably in 4:38. I got running and moving well on the 3.5 loop, hilly course, but I made the mistake of not being patient; not understanding that I was running well enough and continued to press in the conditions.

14:18 at 3M was an improvement over last week, but I never checked myself, like last week, to relax, the pace is fine, stop trying to go faster, and just run. By the final loop I had gotten myself in trouble and misjudged where I was on the course, starting a drive for home, like last week, at what I thought was the 4M mark, when in fact, it was probably 3.5M.

The last 800M I was a fish out of water and was caught by 4 runners in the final 200M circuit. Oh well, not only did my lack of patience tonight hurt me, but the residual fatigue of working just caught up with me the last 2 miles.

But you know what, I'll take it. This is two personal bests in the last two weeks (my previous best times in Cross were 24:38 and 24:53), and these races are well below projected marathon pace, so I am quite pleased with how my training is progressing. Calf held up fine, but I am definitely quite beat up, especially my feet and calves, and need to be cautious these final two weeks of training before Breakers.

Next week I race Great American for the ATC, so perhaps I will run more conservatively to score points for the team, instead of an all-out assault on a difficult course.

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