Race Lingerings

Alright, so in Cotton Row, when my left foot decided to just fall asleep and be "dead" for 5 miles, the effort of running through such an issue caused severe straining of my left IT Band and my lateral knee. So, I have been able to train, but after my long run on Saturday and a very, very painful 7-miler on Sunday, I decided to take time off for cautions sake. This has happened in the past and is usually quick to heal. So, we shall see if this is the case or not. Hopefully so... Pratt also lended me an IT Band strap in order to help out. Tomorrow I will attempt my quarter workout at Marietta High.

Well, after a long day at work, I headed out to the track at close to 7PM with my family. Warmed up well with an IT Band strap, which my IT was feeling alright, although nowhere near 100%. Opened up, surprisingly, with an easy 67, which for my lack of speed/strength, was both surprising and positive. I then rolled through the workout, not feeling fast at all, but feeling like I was doing a 400M stride and 70's just seemed to be my basic speed/power level at the moment. Would have loved for me to be hitting 66's, but my Coach wanted 71-72, so I was pleased to be operating at a faster pace without extended effort. Fell apart after a late 69, but soon recovered and powered through to finish off strongly with a 68, and a bit of an achy IT Band. Hopefully, it will improve dramatically from day to day... no real intensity until Friday.

I don't know. Again, this morning was a struggle with pain. Finally, my muscles are 100%, I'm feeling fit and fast, ready to run, but my ligaments and tendons are giving me issues. This IT Band is a problem, but it definitely got better on the run. Made it through... will attempt 30' tonight, which I bailed on in favor of rest.

Ran a hard 55' this morning with my IT Band feeling great for the first 10' until I hit the major 12% hill, which woke it up. Finally, after 40' or so, the leg numbed out and I was able to run quite hard to finish up, having enough energy to add-on another mile, but was not brave enough to go for the final 5' scheduled. Will attempt another 35', but this time, on the treadmill.

I was very pleased with my effort at the ATC Track Classic on Saturday morning. I have been battling the worst case of ITBS all week, but have been diligent about icing and foam rolling. Regardless, I have been in pain. This morning I woke up at 5:30AM and the race finally went off in some blistering heat and 93% humidity at 8:30AM. Former Auburn Tiger, Ryan Emery was the top seed, as he had run 8:38 earlier in the season. Word was that he was aiming for 70's. I wanted 71's. I was not feeling too good in the warm-up, just depleted of energy, no real bounce or run, but when we got going I settled into a nice rhythm (after being dropped at the line by some 10-year olds). Ryan was gone immediately, passing through 400M in 66-67s. I felt he had gone out too hard, but he is definitely the most fit guy in Atlanta right now, so I couldn't hope too hard. By 1600M I was feeling strong and decided to start working on the gap, really into my run. At 500M to go, I caught him, but he surged away. With 300M to go, I came up on his shoulder once more, but he surged again. Finally, I made my biggest mistake and at 200M to go I ran stride-for-stride with him instead of just going for broke. At 110M, he burst into a 5M gap, and we both opened up into a sprint. I was not able to close, yet he did not put any more distance on me as I suprisingly held my own. Not shabby, considering two weeks ago I ran 9:03. I'll take it... worth a sub-15:20, so I'll take it for now.

Monday, 6-04-2007
Rest / Injury

Tuesday, 6-05-2007
9 Miles Total with 12 x 400M in 70-71s with 200M Recovery in 1:00:03
13:00, 67 (1:12), 71 (1:10), 70 (1:16), 70 (1:13), 70 (1:26), 70 (1:17),
70 (1:16), 69 (1:13), 71 (1:39), 70 (1:19), 71 (1:31), 68, 18:22

Wednesday, 6-06-2007
7 Miles Recovery around Pigeon Hill Road in 48:37

Thursday, 6-07-2007
AM: 9 Miles Steady around Pigeon Hill and Gilbert St + in 55:32
PM: 5 Miles Recovery on Treadmill in 40:00

Friday, 6-08-2007
AM: 7M around Cheatham Hill, including 1M on Track in 4:55, Total 44:38
PM: 3 Miles Recovery on Treadmill in 25:00

Saturday, 6-09-2007
AM: ATC Track Classic 3000M in 8:50.88 (2nd Place)
1:11.15, 2:22.63 (1:11.48), 3:34.87 (1:12.24), 4:46.45 (1:11.58), 5:57.49 (1:11.04), 7:08.01 (1:10.52), 8:17.12 (1:09.11), :33.76
PM: 7 Miles Recovery around Pigeon Hill in 46:44

Sunday, 6-10-2007
AM: 7 Miles Recovery around Pigeon Hill in 46:44
PM: 3 Miles Recovery on Treadmill in 25:00

63 Miles

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