Surviving Stupidity

Horrible start to the week as I thankfully survived Sunday's stupidity. Sunday was scheduled to be an 8M long run, but I was willing to extend it to 15M with Rudy Rocha, Brent Riley, Tom King, and Chris Bittinger at 5:45 in the morning in Seabrook. However, the "long run" turned into a race-tempo effort of "d!ck-waving" and interval training. Absolute high school running and immaturity. I was only man enough to stop at 8M to minimize the damage (had raced on Saturday and the sub-5'50" pace running was straining my left hamstring/adductors). Looking back, I will never compromise my training again. I think we all learned from this run. Anyhow, I was still feeling the effects by Tuesday's track workout, but I still able to hit my goal pace. Wednesday I was in quite some pain, but I toughed it out and had a solid bridge workout on Thursday. Friday will be complete recovery and I may attempt another 5 km race on Saturday before heading up to Huntsville with Chad on Sunday for a solid 18-Miler.

Monday, 11-27-2006
26'51" for 4 Miles around Nottingham Park

Tuesday, 11-28-2006
AM: 39'55" for 6 Miles on the Seabrook Trails
PM: 1h Track Workout for 9 Miles of Total Running
2 x (1200-800-400-200) at 10K Goal Pace (73's) with 400M Jog Rest (200M after 200)
3'39-2'24-1'13-35" / 3'39-2'22-1'09-35" in Spikes + 1200 in 4' in Flats

Wednesday, 11-29-2006
1h13'07" for 10 Miles on the Seabrook Trails

Thursday, 11-30-2006
AM: 1h12'10" for 10 Miles Total of Hill Work on the Kemah Bridge
9 x 400M Uphill (3 "Easy", 3 "Medium", 3 "Hard") with 400M Jog Down Rest
1'25-1'22-1'23-1'18-1'19-1'18-1'13-1'15-1'14" (Avg. Rest of 2')
PM: 34'10" for 5 Miles of Recovery at Nottingham Park

Friday, 12-01-2006
AM: 33'17" for 5 Miles of Recovery at Walnut Park
PM: 33'35" for 5 Miles of Recovery at Nottingham Park

Saturday, 12-02-2006
1h Total Running for 8 Miles in Nassau Bay
30'08" Warm-Up for 4 Miles, Reindeer Run 5K in 15'59", 1M Cool-Down

Sunday, 12-03-2006
2h12'32" for 19 Miles at Hunstville State Park

85 Miles

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