Mo, 8/27/2018 4 mile recovery on the HCGT in 32:04 * Touch and go... right adductor was tight and then in the final few meters my left hip flared up. Not happy, but hopefully calms down with some icing and treatment tomorrow. Tu, 8/28/2018 4 mile on the HCGT in 30:17 We, 8/29/2018 5 miles with 6'-4'-1'-4'-4' fast, rec. 3'-1'-3'-3' at York Tech XC in 41:47 * avg. 5:54/mi, 5:27/mi, 5:15/mi, 5:50/mi, 5:33/mi... pretty solid. Great workload. Humid conditions. Feeling pretty healthy but my right hamstring had weakness and prevented me from running the final 2 x 2:30 fast. Otherwise, I can tell my mechanics are improving and I am getting stronger and more coordinated. Th, 8/30/2018 4 miles easy at Nixon Park in 35:38 Fr, 8/31/2018 4 miles moderate at Lake Williams in 31:31 Sa, 9/1/2018 Mental Hospital 3.7M in 24:25 * Course Record (39:43 - 2017)... 1st Place Overall.. 600ft of Climb.. went looking for a porta potty and got pulled over. Had m...