Mo, 9/18/2017 10K tough around Lake Williams in 53:35 Tu, 9/19/2017 7 mile progression around Lake Williams in 56:46 We, 9/20/2017 1 mi warm-up, 6-5-4-3-2-1' fast with 3' recovery at 5:43-5:37-5:35-5:41-5:25-5:08/mi pace, 1 mi Th, 9/21/2017 7 miles moderate around Lake Williams with 810ft of climb in 57:49 Fr, 9/22/2017 7 mile recovery around Lake Williams with 788ft of climb in 55:11 Sa, 9/23/2017 6 mi up-tempo on the Rail Trail in 38:41 Su, 9/24/2017 8 mile long run around Lake Williams with add-on in 1:09:54 Total 48 Miles with 4,918ft. of Elevation Gain Mo, 9/25/2017 4 miles in the afternoon at Oregon Ridge with 469ft of gain in 29:06 Tu, 9/26/2017 6 miles with variations around Lake Williams in 47:07 We, 9/27/2017 Warm-up, 2000m in 6:48 (rec. 3') + 1200m in 4:00 (rec. 1') + 400m in 75 at York Dirt Track Th, 9/28/2017 8 miles at Patapsco with Topher and Olivier with 696ft of gain in 1:10:58 Fr, 9/29/2017 AM: 6 miles easy around Lake William...