Mo, 9/21/2015 AM: 6 miles with Loop around Lake Williams and 598ft of gain in 38:55 + 8 Diagonals PM: 3 miles easy at the Rail Trail in 24:36 Tu, 9/22/2015 1.5 mile warm-up in 14:04, 400m in 76... * Groins are not recovered from the race... just too tight and didn't want to risk anything. Goal workout was 4 x 4 x 400m in 72 with 90"/5' recoveries. After an opening 76, I knew they were too tight to push on. Body is wicked smart. We, 9/23/2015 AM: 4 miles steady at the HCGT in 30:01 PM: 3 miles easy down the HCGT in 22:51 * Yay, great double. Finally had power and strength on my second run. Great feelings, nice and smooth, good stride. Signed up with Jake for hopefully long-term. Loser at the gate said it was not a parking spot. Will argue until towed. Th, 9/24/2015 AM: 7 miles with 30 min easy, then 30" fast, 1:30 easy in 48:14 * 6:48/mi avg. 483ft of climb. Ran down to the 1M mark on HCGT. 30:00 at 7:08/mi average. For the 30" pick-ups, hit 5:18, 5:36...