
Showing posts from July, 2014


Mo, 7/28/2014 12 miles steady around Patapsco with 1,490ft of gain in 1:25:09 Tu, 7/29/2014 4 mile warm-up around Patapsco with 397ft of gain in 31:29 We, 7/30/2014 8.5 miles with 3 x 1.5 mi on Norris Ln. in 8:32, 8:24, 8:26 (rec. 4-5') Th, 7/31/2014 8 miles moderate at Patapsco with 899ft of gain in 57:11 Fr, 8/1/2014 5 mile progression out to Montgomery Rd. with 177ft of gain in 31:47 * 7:23, 6:53, 6:33, 6:22, 6:16 (avg. 6:43/mi) + 2 x Drills Sa, 8/2/2014 On the Rocks Trail 30 km with 2,901ft of elevation gain in 2:29:32 CR Su, 8/3/2014 Howard County Fair with the Family Total 57 Miles with 6,457ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 7/21/2014 Rest Tu, 7/22/2014 4.8 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 32:43 We, 7/23/2014 10' warm-up, 2000-1500-800-1200-800m in 6:42-4:52-2:39-3:47-2:44 uphill (38:17) * Paces - 5:33, 5:36, 5:18, 5:24, 5:22/mi Th, 7/24/2014 11.3 miles steady at Patapsco Hollofield with 2,568ft of elevation gain in 1:26:05 Fr, 7/25/2014 AM: 4.9 miles easy around Patapsco with 521ft of elevation gain in 39:53 PM: 5.5 miles steady around Patapsco with Beck with 519ft of gain in 39:43 Sa, 7/26/2014 9.6 miles up to the Fort at Harpers Ferry with 2,010ft of elevation gain in 1:22:48 Su, 7/27/2014 10.5 miles regeneration around Patapsco North with 2,107ft of gain in 1:29:53 Total 52.2 Miles with 7,749ft of Elevation


Mo, 7/14/2014 Rest Tu, 7/15/2014 8.0 miles steady around Patapsco with 991ft of elevation gain in 1:04:27 We, 7/16/2014 AM: 2.9 miles easy out to Montgomery Rd. with 134ft of gain in 20:02 + Drills PM: 4.4 miles steady around Ft. McHenry in 36:07 Th, 7/17/2014 Physical Therapy Fr, 7/18/2014 AM: 4.7 miles steady at Patapsco with 603ft of elevation gain in 39:08 PM: Physical Therapy Sa, 7/19/2014 11.5 miles steady at Patapsco North with 3,495ft of elevation gain in 1:30:23 Su, 7/20/2014 17.4 miles steady at McKeldin Area with 3,721ft of elevation gain in 2:18:20 Total 48.9 Miles with 8,937ft of Elevation Gain


Mo, 7/7/2014 Rest Tu, 7/8/2014 7.1 miles at Patapsco with 713ft of elevation gain in 1:01:47 We, 7/9/2014 AM: 8.0 workout at Norris Rd. with 5 x 5' fast, rec. 3' with 600ft elevation in 59:55 * GAP - 5:36, 5:31, 5:34, 5:27, 5:34/mi... obvious race fatigue... extended with road section of uphill/downhill.  PM: 3.8 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 28:41 Th, 7/10/2014 AM: 2.9 miles easy out to Montgomery Rd. with 147ft of gain in 21:21 + Drills PM: 5.2 miles steady with Ealy around Ft. McHenry in 37:33 Fr, 7/11/2014 6.2 miles easy with Rychlik at Patapsco with 681ft of gain in 47:37 Sa, 7/12/2014 8.9 miles steady with an FKT attempt at Old Rag Mtn. with 2,481ft in 1:23:48 Su, 7/13/2014 7.9 miles at the Sweet Air Trail Race with 931ft of gain in 55:59 (1st Place) Total 50.3 Miles with 5,541ft of Elevation Gain