Mo, 6/16/2014
5.3 miles brutal in 89-degrees, 64-dew point in Inner Harbor in 35:14
5.3 miles brutal in 89-degrees, 64-dew point in Inner Harbor in 35:14
Tu, 6/17/2014
3.7 miles toe-testing trails at Patapsco with 436ft of gain in 28:56
We, 6/18/2014
5km easy in 22:49, 5 x 90" at 8mph/12% grade with 2:30 rest + 12' at 7mph/9% grade
3.7 miles toe-testing trails at Patapsco with 436ft of gain in 28:56
We, 6/18/2014
5km easy in 22:49, 5 x 90" at 8mph/12% grade with 2:30 rest + 12' at 7mph/9% grade
Th, 6/19/2014
AM: 3.1 miles easy out to Montgomery Rd. with 147ft of gain in 21:01
PM: 6.4 miles easy around Patapsco with 855ft of elevation gain in 52:08
AM: 3.1 miles easy out to Montgomery Rd. with 147ft of gain in 21:01
PM: 6.4 miles easy around Patapsco with 855ft of elevation gain in 52:08
Fr, 6/20/2014
AM: 5.1 miles easy out to Patapsco with 266ft of elevation gain in 37:29
PM: 0.9 mile shake-out in North Conway, NH, in 8:13
AM: 5.1 miles easy out to Patapsco with 266ft of elevation gain in 37:29
PM: 0.9 mile shake-out in North Conway, NH, in 8:13
Sa, 6/21/2014
Mount Washington Road Race in 1:11:26 (22nd Place)
Mount Washington Road Race in 1:11:26 (22nd Place)
* 4,688 ft. of Elevation Gain... injured right ankle tendons in final climb. Personal Worst.
Su, 6/22-29/2014
Su, 6/22-29/2014
42 Miles
42 Miles