
Showing posts from June, 2014


Mo, 6/30/2014 0.9 mile attempt at Belmont Woods in 8:56 Tu, 7/1/2014 5.9 miles steady around Patapsco loop in 43:54 We, 7/2/2014 AM: 8.2 miles with 25' easy, then 5 x 1200m, rec. 3' in 3:51, 4:03, 3:52, 4:02, 3:51 PM: 4.0 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 29:25 Th, 7/3/2014 AM: 2.9 miles easy with 141 ft. of gain + drills PM: 5.0 miles easy at Patapsco with 380 ft of gain in 41:51 Fr, 7/4/2014 5.3 miles in Sturbridge MA w/ 3 mi easy and 4km tempo in 15:35; total 251 ft. and 37:28 Sa, 7/5/2014 7.6 miles at Lincoln Woods Trail with 608 ft. of elevation gain in 1:02:39 Su, 7/6/2014 USATF Mountain Championship in 57:31.7 at Loon Mountain Race * 20th Overall... 3,610ft of elevation gain... absolutely great race. No real down-spots... if I had more confidence, I could have pushed harder. Entered with the mentality of fishing, but then got complacent racing the guy in front of me instead of the entire race and mountain. Great performance. Very proud, especially after th...


Mo, 6/23/2014 Rest - Injured Right Post-Tib/Ankle Tu, 6/24/2014 3 miles at 6:35/mi + 5 x 3' fast, rec. 3' in 46:00 * 5:47, 5:43, 5:29, 5:39, 5:26/mi We, 6/25/2014 3 miles easy around Ft. McHenry in 23:14 + Drills * 4 x 30m skips; 4 x 30m butt-kicks; 4 x 30m high-knees; 4 x 30m bounds Th, 6/26/2014 3 miles on trails w/ 210ft of gain in 26:30 + 4km uphill w/ 135ft of gain at CCBC in 10:05 * 5:17, 5:22 (avg. 5:19/mi)... just plugging away. I fell apart quite a bit on the final uphill climb.  Fr, 6/27/2014 8.1 miles at Patapsco with 931ft of elevation gain in 1:05:24 Sa, 6/28/2014 Chasin' for Chalfin 15K in 1:06:07 CR * 1,122 ft. of elevation gain... GAP - missed start, 6:10, 6:25, 5:57, 6:32, 6:46, 7:18, 6:49, 6:58, 7:22, 6:33 (avg. 6:41/mi) Su, 6/29/2014 10.0 miles steady at Loch Raven with 398 ft. of elevation gain in 1:21:08 Total 45.0 Miles with 2,785 ft. of Elevation Gain


Mo, 6/16/2014 5.3 miles brutal in 89-degrees, 64-dew point in Inner Harbor in 35:14 Tu, 6/17/2014 3.7 miles toe-testing trails at Patapsco with 436ft of gain in 28:56 We, 6/18/2014 5km easy in 22:49, 5 x 90" at 8mph/12% grade with 2:30 rest + 12' at 7mph/9% grade Th, 6/19/2014 AM: 3.1 miles easy out to Montgomery Rd. with 147ft of gain in 21:01 PM: 6.4 miles easy around Patapsco with 855ft of elevation gain in 52:08 Fr, 6/20/2014 AM: 5.1 miles easy out to Patapsco with 266ft of elevation gain in 37:29 PM: 0.9 mile shake-out in North Conway, NH, in 8:13 Sa, 6/21/2014 Mount Washington Road Race in 1:11:26 (22nd Place) * 4,688 ft. of Elevation Gain... injured right ankle tendons in final climb. Personal Worst. Su, 6/22-29/2014 Recalibrate Total 42 Miles


Mo, 6/9/2014 Fractured Big Right Toe Tu, 6/10/2014 Podiatrist Appt. More X-Rays We, 6/11/2014 7.0 miles around Patapsco Road Loop with 195ft of gain in 48:21 * 6:57, 6:50, 7:02, 6:54, 6:45, 6:49, 6:59 (avg. 6:54/mi)... first run in over 4 days. Well, went to Urgent Care on Saturday, got X-Rays, diagnosed fracture in my right big toe. She referred me to a podiatrist, so I made a return trip to Dr. Slavitt. After him assessing my toe, he's like, "you're toe's not broken." I reply, "I have a high pain threshold." He says, "these XRays suck. I can't see anything, I am going to do some here and will call you in the morning." I get a call at 10AM, no fracture, but also no answer on how to get rid of the PAIN!! Deep soft tissue damage... Th, 6/12/2014 7.0 miles around Patapsco Road Loop with 201ft of gain in 47:15 Fr, 6/13/2014 6.1 miles before World Cup at Patapsco in 41:43 Sa, 6/14/2014 Mt. Washington: 4 mi on Treadmill at 9% and 7 m...


Mo, 6/2/2014 Rest - Stubbed Right Toe Injury Tu, 6/3/2014 6.6 miles toe-testing around Patapsco roads with 158ft of gain in 46:40 We, 6/4/2014 Warm-up, 10'-8'-6' at 7.5 mph and 10% grade with 5' recovery on treadmill Th, 6/5/2014 8.8 miles steady around new Patapsco Loop in 58:57 * 7:01, 6:47, 6:53, 6:49, 6:46, 6:44, 6:38, 6:23, 6:32 (avg. 6:44/mi) Fr, 6/6/2014 4.4 miles toe-testing on trails at Patapsco with 229ft of gain in 33:34 Sa, 6/7/2014 Urgent Care - Fracture Confirmed Right Big Toe (XRay) Su, 6/8/2014 Injured Total 26 Miles and 387ft of Elevation Gain