Mo, 5/26/2014 7.8 miles recovery at Hollifield Patapsco North with 2,058ft of gain in 1:03:21 Tu, 5/27/2014 5.8 miles, too ambitious, at Patapsco and Gun Rd. with 715ft of gain in 45:27 * Thought of running two loops of Gun Rd., but my left Post Tib wouldn't let me have it... flared up after the first loop and opted to cut the run short and live to see another day. Disappointed in this injury after feeling 100% the last week. We, 5/28/2014 AM: 8 miles with Road Workout - 2 mi, 1.5 mi, 1 mi, 0.5 mi, rec. 3' at Ft. McHenry * 11:28, 8:15, 5:16, 2:34 PM: Physical Therapy Th, 5/29/2014 AM: 8.1 miles easy around an over-grown Patapsco with 1,278ft of gain in 1:15:51 PM: Treadmill Test Fr, 5/30/2014 AM: 6.0 miles easy with Ealy and Nate around the Inner Harbor in 40:39 PM: 3.0 miles easy out to Montgomery Rd. with 133ft of gain in 21:17 Sa, 5/31/2014 11 miles at Catoctin Trail with 2,493ft of elevation gain in 1:41:04 Su, 6/1/2014 18.9 miles progressive at Elizabeth ...